Share Your Creativity — July Art Prompt

Let’s get dotty, or spotty, or pointy? You decide!


Sand dollar art by Author

Hello artists and creators! Hope everyone has had a great June. For those in North America, the beginning of July brings celebrations. Happy Canada Day to Canada (July 1st) and Happy Independence Day to the US (July 4th)! To all of you in one of those two countries, I know that you are living through some trying times, but I still hope you are finding time to do a bit of celebrating.

I will be doing my June monthly wrap-up around the 8th of the month, as that is the official day that the publication was started, but I thought that I would get the July prompt going now.


Have you ever heard of pointillism? Basically, it is an art form where you create an image using only dots. Above is one design that I have done using pointillism. I feel as though it was a good use of this technique as sand dollars are so delicate.

According to Wikipedia:

Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image.

Of course, you can use colored dots, but you can also use just black dots. This sort of art is also referred to as dot work, specifically by tattoo artists.



Jillian Amatt - Artistic Voyages
Share Your Creativity

Sharing authentic experiences from my life as an artist, nomad / traveler and serious steward of our beloved planet. I aim to Spread Love Through Art.