What I Learned from Setting Myself Five Creative Challenges

The characteristics the successful ones had in common

Deepti Kannapan
Share Your Creativity


Illustration by the author from challenge #5

In the space of about a year, I set myself five personal creative challenges.

You may have heard of popular challenges like Inktober and NaNoWriMo, where you aim to write or draw every day, or reach a certain word count in a month.

I sensed the excitement around these challenges every year and even participated on rare occasions. I enjoyed it, but the timing and parameters of the challenge never felt right for where I was in my projects.

I’d also taken classes that followed a structure similar to these challenges. I was more successful at completing the classes, and following the structure always paid off enormously in productivity and skill building. Still, I found them taxing and overly restrictive. By the end, my willpower and creative resources were depleted.

Both of these experiences planted the seed that maybe I could design my own challenge, tailored to my goals and work style exactly.

I set myself a ten-day drawing challenge in May 2022, and came away from the experience so delighted that I set myself four more in the year that followed.



Deepti Kannapan
Share Your Creativity

Painter, occasional cartoonist, aerospace engineer. Writes about sustainable technology, creativity, and journaling.