Dream of Revolutionizing the World

Do not fall in line

Lincoln W Daniel
Lincoln W Daniel


What’s one thing you wish to accomplish while here at college?

Go on a university campus and ask the students, the future of humanity the above question and you will receive the same answer from 99 out of every 100 students:

“I want to make connections, get my degree, and set my self up for a nice job.”

Whatever happened to innovation?

These days everyone just wants to fall in line with their degree and get a job. While that is noble, there is more to life than financial security. Just because Bill gates already did the personal computer, Steve jobs the smartphone, Larry Page the search giant, and Mark Zuckerberg the social network, doesn't mean nothing remains to revolutionize the world.

When its my turn to fall in line, I refuse to.

My answer to the inquirer is simple but unconventional. “Take this down, fine sir, you won’t come by a similar response soon enough,” I tell the gentleman; “I want to reform the market place—to make the small business larger, more influential than the cooperation.” Everyone looks at me funny, and I go about my way into the sunset.



Lincoln W Daniel
Lincoln W Daniel

Chief Bull @ BullAcademy.org ® Elevating writers @ ManyStories.com. Author @JavaForHumans Ex: Editor in Chief MarkGrowth (acq.), Engineer @Medium @GoPuff