Autumn Comes and Goes

Drew Warren
Shared by Drew
Published in
1 min readNov 16, 2012


It’s amazing how fast the years start flying by when you have kids. It seems like a few months ago that my wife and I sat in the rental office handing our first big deposit down on our first apartment in New Jersey right outside of Philadelphia. The reality is, that was over 10 years ago. Last week we celebrated our first-born’s fifth birthday. Where does the time go?

Buddhist practice helps water down the sting of passing time as a concept as it is taught that everything is impermanent. Nothing lasts forever so stop wasting time worrying about it.

With that being said, I’m trying to stop wasting time worrying about it and will carry on being a dad, husband, son, brother, engineer. And I will do the best job I can while doing it all.

Do you get weighed down with the concept of time? Do you carry any regrets? We’d all like to say we don’t, but what can you do to push away all of that extra weight?



Drew Warren
Shared by Drew

A happy dad on some beautiful stretch of seacoast in New England.