CurbLR Version 1.1.0

Emily Eros
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2020

Invitation for feedback

Hello, curb enthusiasts! Over the past few months, SharedStreets received some requests and feedback from folks creating or using CurbLR feeds. We’ve drafted a handful of proposed changes to address that feedback, which would move us over a a new version of the spec (v 1.1.0). If you’re a CurbLR user or interested party, we invite you to give comments over the next couple of weeks by reaching out by email or Github.

The main thing the changes address is the concept of priority levels. We heard feedback from a few folks about how the current priority levels approach was a bit cumbersome for creating data. In response, we’ve proposed a simpler and more flexible way to approach the concept of overlapping regulations. This would address all the issues we heard about, without making it unnecessarily complicated or brittle for other users creating data. The change also makes a CurbLR feed easier to work with for backend systems and data consumers.

In the v 1.1.0 link, you'll see updated docs, examples (including the Portland demo feed), and scripts related to the proposed changes. Please let us know if you have feedback! If needed, we can set up a work session for interested parties to work through technical perspectives and make sure we hash out something that folks are comfortable with.

In the longer term, we’re looking into options for introducing a more formal governance and management process, to make sure the spec is managed in an open, collaborative, and transparent way — stay tuned for more updates!



Emily Eros

Product Lead @ The Open Transport Partnership & SharedStreets