Join our CurbWheel testing cohort

Mollie Pelon McArdle
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2020

We know that many city staff are busy responding to the COVID-19 situation in their communities, and our hearts go out to all those affected by the pandemic. Thank you for the essential work you are doing.

We also know that some other staff are facing project delays, students are home from university, and other folks just have a bit more time on their hands. If you’re someone who’s interested in curb management and you have some extra time, we invite you to join us in building and testing out SharedStreets’ new tools for curb mapping!

What are we building?

SharedStreets has been developing the CurbWheel, a new data collection tool and workflow for surveying curb regulations. Using the wheel and accompanying phone app, surveyors can walk their streets to create a digital inventory of curb regulations in the CurbLR format.

CurbWheel is still under development, and normally we would wait to release a more polished product. However, we have heard from staff in several cities who are facing project delays due to COVID-19 and have some extra capacity. In response, we’re experimenting with something new: opening up the development and testing process to city staff, students, or others who would like to join in. This is intended as a learning opportunity for those who are interested in data and mapping.

What do I need to join in the build process?

The testing cohort will follow along with us to create their own curb wheel and try out the mapping process. No advanced skills are required. The supplies and parts needed cost about $100 and can all be ordered online in the US. Here is the parts list.

When can I get started?

The CurbWheel setup will happen incrementally over the next several weeks so the SharedStreets team can stay a few steps ahead as we develop the mapping app.

We will hold a weekly Friday webinar to walk through the different phases of building the tool: hardware assembly, app set-up, etc. Individuals can also go through the written steps made available ahead of time if they prefer, or do it along with us on the calls. SharedStreets staff will be available as a resource for troubleshooting or questions. Additionally we will be available on our slack channel, which you can join by emailing us at .

What can I do once my CurbWheel is built?

Once the wheel is built, individuals can test it out by mapping in their own neighborhood or even within their home — whatever is appropriate and safe for each person’s context. We’ll use feedback to improve the tools, and we hope that the experience equips cities with more knowledge.

Let’s get started

If you’d like to join this group, email and we will add you to our Coffee & CurbWheel full build and app testing kickoff at 9am PST on Monday, May 11th.



Mollie Pelon McArdle

co-director, SharedStreets & The Open Transport Partnership