A Guide to Sharehold’s Redesigning Belonging Research

Ongoing updates on our research process

Sarah Judd Welch
3 min readJul 29, 2020


This summer, Sharehold is leading research on Redesigning Belonging, starting with a not-so-simple question:

What does it mean to belong at work during a time of uncertainty?

Belonging is one of the greatest challenges of our time and its effect on business is staggering. The urgency in fostering belonging at work is increasing as we collectively navigate this time of great uncertainty defined by COVID-19, US police brutality and the murder of Black civilians, global protests, and increased unemployment and financial insecurity. Research shows that without a concerted effort, the absence of belonging will have devastating consequences for employee well-being and business results.

This is an internal project led by the curiosity of Sharehold’s team, and we commit to publicly sharing our in-progress research. Our findings will be relevant for all people leaders and community builders, both within and beyond the “office,” especially as we open the conversation about DEI in community design.

We invite you to join us on our research journey! Sign up to be the first to receive our Redesigning Belonging insights when they are released this fall, and read on for the latest updates, interview recaps and key learnings from our research. We’ll continue to update this post on an ongoing basis, and we’re excited to bring you along with us.

Redesigning Belonging Research Updates

Last Update to this Guide: 8/12/2020

Current Research Stage:

All research interviews are now complete! Currently, our team is synthesizing what we’ve learned and developing insights.

Release Timeline:

We currently expect Redesigning Belonging’s insights to be released in late September. You can sign up here to receive them!

Research Process:

We’re publicly sharing our research process. Follow along!

Where We Started: An introduction to our research with the background on this project, why we’re doing it, our research process, and what we’re hoping to learn

Literature Review: A sampling from Sharehold’s Redesigning Belonging literature review

Research Recaps:

To note, some of our research participants have asked for anonymity.

Survey: Coming soon

How to Get Involved

Thanks for being with us on our research journey to redesign belonging!



Sarah Judd Welch

CEO of Sharehold (https://sharehold.co). Currently researching belonging at work. Community design, org design, systems thinking, gardening. She/Her.