The one basic thing I learned after 2 years in car2go app team

Dionysis Lorentzos
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2017
car2go around the world by Dennis Schmidt on Dribbble

It’s 11pm. I am in bed and I have a 6am alarm for my morning routine.

But now it’s better than ever to write these words. Because these words need to come out, be public, bold and loud. After all, writing articles is like programming, a hobby of mine. And hobbies don’t have timeframes.

I don’t really know the glue ingredients but it is like that. I have been working with this team for more than 2 years. 2 years which passed like 2 days.

And I am talking about car2go’s app development team, here in Hamburg.

And looking back at it, I see something different. Different from other companies or teams. Something important which I have learned. That’s team spirit. It’s the feeling of a true family. Supportive, passionate and with a heart. It’s something which I will have deep in me, in whatever is next for me.

Working as a team, together, and not as individuals who are hunting down paycheck bonuses or a ladder in a career path.

A bunch of nerds who have followed their passion.

And I am not really sure how this binding became so strong. Maybe because half of us are foreigners, putting their love on what we do in different angles, maybe our relatively young average age, maybe having put first passion over mortage payout.

And if you want to know what millennials look like building products, we are the best example. Or maybe the feeling of doing what is correct over what we are told is strong. Maybe the freedom of doing so. Maybe all of them and many more from each and one of us.

But, really, if you’re applying here, or if you are simply curious about how this team look like from the inside. Hold my words.

It’s a supportive family which leant me what “us” means as a team.



Dionysis Lorentzos

Dionysis is an Android dev ShareNow + Founder of Nutech, a jobs app only for Android developers. He is passionate about auto industry innovation & space