AMA Recap with Rohan Le Page- October 4th 2018

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7 min readOct 9, 2018
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

COO and co-founder Rohan Le Page, held an AMA on our Telegram channel last week. Below are the questions and answers that were discussed during the 30 min session.

Will there be media releases regarding the BYD partnership? Such a big partnership but no one knows about it.

Our relationship with BYD is a long term one. We are looking to test our platform and integration systems with BYD assets over time. We will share what we can in the near future. Suffice to say though, we are excited to be working with BYD products.

Any chance of working with Tesla in the near future since they are on the cutting edge of technology with electric self driving cars? There are many companies going down that path.

Tim has a good relationship with Tesla Australia. Nothing locked as yet. But, Tesla is a brand we admire and would like to be working with in the future. We will keep the pressure on 😊

You guys bring up a lot about social impact and waste reduction. Do you guys have any plans or works in the pipeline to work with NGO’s like the Salvation Army (*Clothes, Books, Tools etc) or Government Entities?

Yes, we have been in contact with several international NGOs that are in the early days of negotiation. These relationships will take some time to finalise as there’s a lot of moving parts. The plan has always been to be in all areas of the sharing and rental economy. This includes NGOs and emerging markets.

Will Keaz be buying ShareTokens on exchanges from Day 1?

We will be running a pilot with Keaz at launch where we will provide keaz with some tokens to get them up and running. We will also have some incentive programs running for clients of Keaz from the get go to ensure we hit the ground running.

Will there be a partnership announcement at the Malta Blockchain Event? Will the event be streamed for the community to see

The Malta Blockchain Summit is where we will be making numerous announcements and demonstrations. We are working with the organisers to ensure we can stream the event. We will be able to share more on this over the next two weeks as we get confirmation.

Whats a day in the life like for you? What do you spend most of your time on?

On a plane, in a car, or in front of a PC. Or, a combination of all three (not while driving). My days are spent juggling life as a start up business. Most of my time is spent managing the day to day of our staff requirements, meeting with potential suppliers, (BSPs and tech/integration). I am in constant contact with Tim Bos our CEO where we are constantly tuning the engine room that is ShareRing.

Other than the average 90k monthly Keaz transactions, are you able to estimate the overall monthly transactions on the ShareLedger or state a target or desired amount?

It is difficult to answer this with any level of accuracy this early in the game. We have some round numbers at the moment that will become more refined as we head into the new year. We have some major opportunities in the pipe that will show excellent growth once they are deployed. We will have some forecast numbers for the Malta Blockchain Summit in November that we will share.

Seeing how sentiment of the main group is that growth is not really noticeable, are there any plans to push on the word of SHR with outreach events / community events?

It is a balancing act. Community will get more love as soon as we can free up our resources. Eyes have been on the prize up until now (post TGE). The prize being a working platform that launches hard! In order for the community to believe and invest in ShareRing long term, we need to have an awesome platform. We have a few boxes to tick over the next month, then we will hand it over to the community to run with. We are confident you will be very pleased with what we have achieved in a relatively short period of time.

In your last AMA with Tim you said Stephanie your Marketing Manager is working on creating marketing and social media content, are things progressing well in this area and can we expect to see any tv/viral print or billboard advertisements in the near future?

Steph has done a great job of helping us step off the TGE bandwagon and onto the “Business as usual” one. As we go live, we will have some very structured media campaigns that will be very focussed on specific targets. As an example, we will be focussed on coverage to begin with. This is the BSPs. We need the categories we are launching with covered well in the regions we are working in. These providers will also be incentivised to bring in new users. TV and billboards will be later down the track.

Do you have any more info on the community groups ShareRing wish to establish to help build the brand?

I will let Alayne and Emily update you on this over the coming weeks. We have a bunch in the pipe.

Regarding data privacy and KYC storage, does ShareRing plan to use any zKsnark / ring signature technology for on-chain encryption or use pre-encrypted data that is stored off-chain? (IPFS/Swarm/etc.)

KYC storage will be done via a Self Sovereign protocol handled by each users device. We are also looking at some cold storage solutions in case of a lost device. Tim will be presenting a video on this that will show the transaction process including the KYC transfer process.

Is the Mainnet launch, app launch still on as scheduled?

Sure is.

What’s the most exciting thing that has happened in the last two weeks from your point of view in terms of product development/business development?

Tim will be doing a presso soon. You will see what we have completed recently. Very exciting stuff!

Hi Rohan, Tim mentioned in his latest AMA that two weeks later (this week) there will be more information available about the masternodes. Can you tell us the latest news about masternodes?

Masternodes are in testing right now. We need to ensure we have it right. Things are looking very good. We have tested in several environments and even some appliances.

Great, when can we expect to hear more about the ones that will run the first MN?

Tim is driving this. I don’t want to steal his thunder so I will let him cover this.

When can I buy some SHR?

Very soon. We have agreements with some exchanges in the works now. Once they confirm with us, we will confirm with you.

Sometimes in development things dont always go as planned. Have you guys had any hiccups or setbacks? If yes were you able to overcome them?

There are always challenges. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Getting new staff up to speed, tech dev estimation. I have worked in development for a long time, I have never had to deliver products so quickly. So that always keeps the heat on.

What types of items can we see from the app on launch that we can rent out or share.

Focus for Pilot Launch next month will be Transport and Equipment Hire. Many others to follow.

To date how much interest in SHR has been generated from the Chinese partnership and/or from China in general?

China has had a huge amount of interest. It is a hard egg to crack though and our team in HK is working hard to crack it. The BYD relationship will help us penetrate the greater China region and HK is a different animal too. China is a very exciting market for us.

Can you give us an idea of the priority given to other global regions? Where is the US in the master plan?

Sure, Aus, HK, UK (London for now) and USA (NV for now) is where we are focussed. This will expand quickly by default as we onboard new BSPs.

How was your and Tim’s recent week away trip to Dubai? Can you tell us about it.

Sure. It was good. And HOT. But good. We visited with some potential BSPs in Dubai and also some potential sales representation for the region. We also met with our non exec board member, Jane for a catch up.

Rohan, you and Tim must sometimes fantasize/dream about the future of SHR. What is one of those ‘would be really cool if this would happen’?

Can’t dream as I don’t sleep as all I do is work on SHR.

What will be the process to transfer the ERC20 tokens to the mainnet? Will it be a mobile (IOS/Android) Solution only in Nov?

We have a pilot solution in place that we will talk about more closer to our pilot launch. Cosmos allows some interoperability between ERC20 and other blockchains.

I think Sharering has a better use-case than most crypto projects out there. Can you tell us how you see ShareRing in the upcoming years?

My vision is that we provide a platform for everyone to share nearly anything at market leading costs. Share and rent for all markets. I truly think of it as a global platform for everyone.

The next live broadcast will be held while Tim and Rohan are in Malta, where we are launching the pilot version of our app! Stay tuned for more information close to the beginning of November.

