AMA with Rohan LePage- June 3 2018

Published in
6 min readJun 5, 2018

Rohan LePage, the COO and Co-founder took to our main Telegram channel for an AMA focused on development and roadmap questions.

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Rohan you have relocated your young family to Vietnam to take on the initial setup of the developement side, what where the challenges in achieveing that?

Making the move to VN was no small task, but my family and I have adjusted well. I have 2 young kids not yet in school so we had to adjust from familiar Melbourne Australia to the Vietnamese couture and way of life. Temperature, food types, and access to other families with kids of similar age were the initial challenges. All of which have led to new adventures for my family while I am at the office, or travelling at this intensive time with ShareRing.

Rohan, I’m a little bit interested in knowing more about the progress of the API and the blockchain side of things. Not sure if you’re able to reveal some of the details! Is the team on track for November Launch? Also what were some of the challenges developing ShareLedger?

APIs are coming along. We are working on having a solid API offering so we are able to onboard anything and not be limited technically by new and exciting product offerings on the platform. We have a great team that is working hard to make this a reality as we speak.

How many employees do you have now, and how much do you plan to expand to in one year?

In Vietnam we are currently at 9 employees. Globally we are now at 23 at last check. We expect to add another five in the coming weeks in VN alone.

Hey Rohan, great to have you on here for an AMA. I hope it’s the first of many as development progresses. I know you can’t release too much information on the LPOS system yet but do you know yet what OS & other software stack we will need to run a node?

Nodes have been a huge topic for us of late. I can’t release any info at this stage, but we will announce everything you need to know about running a node, including token holdings post Main Sale.

Could you, please, elaborate on the dApp integration with the ShareRing’s blockchain? So in the case when the dApp is built on another blockchain, such as Quarteria on NEO — will it always be able to be integrated with ShareRing?

Dapps integration will be elaborated on in the near future. Our vision is that we will be able to integrate with other chains within reason.

Could you also, please, comment on the progress with the development of the blockchain? What is the approximate finishing date?

Development is going well. We are in the early stages in relative terms, however, we are still on track to be live in Nov.

Will it need any hardware componenets to make assets availabe onto the ShareRing platform? Some sort of tracking chip or device or anything like that?

IOT devices will be a significant part of our platform. We are looking to interface with some devices nativly on our chain. More info will come on this soon.

How long did it take to grow such an impressive beard?

Thanks on the beard :) I couldn’t say how long it took to get this long, but suffice to say, growing the beard has always been easier than shaving it.

Following up on the topic of integration: Do you plan to proactively integrate with blockchain based identity providers like CIVIC and CredyCo?

Yes, that’s our plan so that we can offer as many KYC options as possible.

It looks as though there is a lot of stuff that you’re unable to share for a variety of reasons, could you provide clarity or further information that you are able to provide, perhaps an update of the challenges you and your team are facing and what are the most immediate issues facing your team?

I would love to tell you more about where we are at but it is early days from a dev shedule POV. Day to day challenges are the same as any new platform development. Not enough hours in the day. Estimating and grinding code to bring our plan to life. Relationship management and scope for working on the right thing at the right time. We have a lot of work to do, and I could not be more excited to be on this project!

Will ShareRing have dedicated team members for working with white label clients and consulting/helping them to integrate and/or build on ShareRing’s platform?


Is there a timeline known when the masternode details will be released?

Very soon. Post Main Sale

Rohan you recently did a lightning tour of 5 countries in 5 days in Asia promoting ShareRing. Can you tell us about working with Helen she seems like a professional broadcaster?

Helen is a epic operator. We did the crazy 5 countries in 5 days, met a bunch of investors and did as much as humanly possible to spread the ShareRing word. Helen is hugely experienced and took the whole endeavour in her stride. Helen is a true professional and we are glad to have her on the team.

Has that lead to some new partnership inquiries or was it more people interested in joining the main sale?

Indeed. More than we can handle right now (partners). So, we are prioritising the workload. Inviestors interest has been very solid

How will the custom ui things work? Will it be like the WeChat mini apps or a customisable set of templates?

Both. It depends on the complexity that the provider wants to introduce. There will be ‘canned’ templates, and then the option to extend on it with their own mini app.

Probably asking the obvious here but just to make sure, so ShareRing can be used by anyone with 0 blockchain experience and people will be able to buy tokens easily and directly with multiple fiat entries, right? But will ShareRing also actively pursue the biggest exchanges eventually?

ShareRing is a platform. The blockchain side of things will fade into the backhground as we move forward with deployment. Think of it as a place to borrow or lend ANYTHING. As we grow, more products will become available. The UX will be one of buying SharePay for the sake of credit on the platform, nothing more. What happens in the background will be of no concern to the user other than it is secure and private. No blockchain experience needed. Ever.

If it fades into the background, will there be any incentives for savvy users to hold the tokens?

A blockchain ledgered currency record

Relating to your answer before, How will you handle these new partners that you can’t prioritise now? How does this relate or is different to the 200+ vendors Tim mentioned / managed?

It relates directly. We will onboard new providers as we can. It will depend on where they are in the technolgy funnel. If the provider is up and running with a system we can integrate easily, then we onboard them right away. In other instances, we will have to provide technical assistance to enable them to come on board. Priority will also come from where we need growth organically and strategically.

So the 200 number is from the ones that can be onboarded easily while the rest are like startups?

In essence yes. We will focus on who brings the most value to our users. Ultimately we will have seamless systems that will allow us to onboard anyone, but in the short term, we need to focus on making the platform a success. So yes.

How many users do you expect to be using the platform shortly after launch?

It is difficult to say at this stage. But, if you look at who we have as partners already, I am sure you can see the scope is massive.

So when will the next tier one or tier two companies be listed on the website. Are they all still under NDA or can you reveal a little secret about who the next ones will be?

We have various NDAs in play right now. Our partners are solid, and trust me, very exciting. Stay tuned for more announcments!

The MOBI platform is for members to join the effort for better blockchain integration worldwide. But are there also talks by sharering with mobi members going on for more intense collaboration or partnerships?

MOBI provides us with providers. Going around MOBI would make little sense unless there was some platform limitation that could not be overcome.

Any update about the holiday homes. I heard Vietnam may be one of the destinations?

We are scouting right now. The shortlist so far is Greece, Fiji and Thailand. VN could be on there too.

And can we come visit the office when we come to Vietnam?

We will host all sorts of events in the future. Some of them will be held at our VN office or nearby venue.

