Bitcoin and Blockchain Fair June 2018

Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2018

Over the weekend, some of the Melbourne ShareRing team ventured over to the Bitcoin and Blockchain Fair on Sunday, June 17th.

Kempton (Global Sales Director), Helen (Global Community Director) and Alayne (Social Media & Admin Manager).

Helen, our star presenter, took to the stage to give a speech about blockchain and the sharing economy and how ShareRing fits within both worlds. Helen stated that ShareRing’s vision is to serve the sharing economy, across all sectors and all regions of the world, with a unique platform and vibrant community.

She continued to touch base across some main points about what exactly the sharing economy is, the trends within the sharing economy and what makes the sharing economy effective. One of the main points made were the many people share within the sharing economy. The five that were outlined included the following:

  1. Social philosophy about life and consumption
  2. Enabling social equality in access to items not easy to own or obtain
  3. Acting in community around a shared asset for betterment of the group
  4. Lowering or eliminating lifestyle costs by paying for short term rental rather than full purchase
  5. Creating extra income with own and under-utilised assets or expertise

Turning the focus to blockchain, she explained further that blockchain is indeed a great mechanism for the sharing economy because it reduces friction in sharing economy activity and enables the sharing economy to reach a fuller potential. Creating a new blockchain (ShareLedger), ShareRing creates more versatility within the data that can be held. The ShareLedger will permit additional attributes to the accounts, and rule customisation for the assets and wallets.

Overall, the team enjoyed the event, and it was a step away of the torrential downpours that were happening outside!

Make sure you are following the Medium page, our Telegram channel and Twitter page for more exciting announcements as the main sale continues and more information gets released!

