Did Someone Say ‘Free Vacation Rental’???

Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2018

Dear ShareRing community — we are very pleased to announce the first of a number of VERY exciting benefits to our early token holders and future ‘masternode’ holders that will be helping to make ShareRing an incredible success.

Shortly after the completion of our main token sale (commencing June 4th!) ShareRing will be purchasing 1–3 houses (depending on our raise amount) in well known holiday destinations in key regions. These houses will be used for a few main purposes:

  1. As a test bed for new services and technologies (sensors, vehicles, rental products, etc) that we introduce to the ShareRing blockchain platform (we are already working on some blockchain enabled keyless access solutions). Our house guests will be part of our ‘pilot’ testing of these new technologies.
  2. As an event space for any special events that we launch (not dis-similar to the CryptoHou.se events in New York).
  3. As a short term ‘incubator’ for any start-ups that win our upcoming pitch-fests and hackathons. We will invite the startup to the house for 1–2 weeks for some solid business development and training.
  4. Finally (AND MOST IMPORTANTLY) the houses will be available for approximately 40 weeks per year for YOU our early token holders to use FOR FREE. Here’s how it will work:
  • To have access to the house, you must either have: 50,000 SHR that has been held since the SEED, PRESALE or MAIN SALE. OR (when available) you must be a Masternode holder.
  • The maximum stay per period is 1 week, however, you can apply multiple times each year.
  • Each 1 week block will be made available up to 6 months in advance.
  • If multiple people from our community apply for the same week, a ballot will be held. Each SHR that you hold (regardless when you acquired the SHR) will represent 1 entry into the ballot (ie. The higher number of SHR you hold, the higher your chances of getting a week).
  • If you have already stayed for 1 week in the current 12 month period, then you will receive 1/4 the number of entries in the ballot.
  • $1000 in SHR will be held in escrow during your stay. This is to cover any damage or excess cleaning costs.
  • ShareRing are not responsible for flights, food and transportation to/from the house, unless otherwise specified (we may be testing transportation options at the time).

So just to clarify, you MUST be an early token holder who has purchased tokens during our SEED, PRESALE, or MAIN SALE to have access to this amazing opportunity! So if you haven’t done so already, please make sure you join our WHITELIST, and completed the KYC PROCESS!

*ShareRing reserves the right to change these terms/plans at any time without notice.




The world’s first trusted token for sharing services. One way to pay for sharing everything, no matter what it is or where you are. https://sharering.network