Hackathon Supremacy

Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2018

A few weeks ago, our development team in Vietnam took part in a two-day Blockchain Festival Hackathon in Ho Chi Minh City, where they were amongst like minded teams, wanting to get top placement with their ideas.

With a suggestion from team member to take part in the hackathon, the rest of the team agreed and thought it was a fantastic opportunity for them to enhance their technical skills and consolidate their teamwork skills.

They were developing a mobile app, connecting a backend server and Ethereum smart contracts to book a car. This allowed for a signal to be sent to the car, unlocking or locking it based on whether the booking had started or ended.

We gathered quotes from our team on how they felt about the hackathon:

“It’s cool for me. I hope this award can consolidate our motivation for the work at ShareRing”. -Tan, blockchain developer

“It was such a crazy day. We faced a lot of difficulties, but the whole team gave our best shot. Our achievement definitely boosts our confidence in the upcoming challenges”. -Manh, backend developer

“We all were shivering during the presentation. The competition was tough but at the same time was a lot of fun. I learned a lot and this knowledge can help us immensely in the future”. -Tung, mobile developer

“The hackathon gave us chances to not only develop our technical skills but at the same time, enhance our teamwork skills. I hope our achievements have proved our abilities. We are ready for the many challenges that are to come”. -Trang, blockchain developer

At the end of the two days, they came out of the competition with a Top Winning placement. We are so incredibly proud of the hard work they put in during this hackathon and their drive to want to participate and expand their learning! Way to go team!

Visit our website to learn more about our development team.

