Livestream with Tim Bos 24 June 2019

Paige ShareRing
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2019

Here is a brief outline of what was discussed in the most recent Livestream with Tim Bos that was held on June 24 2019. For the full livestream, including an extensive Q&A, you can watch it on our YouTube channel.

Development update:

  • As previously discussed ShareRing will be launching initially with hotels, followed closely by activities and flights.
  • We have partnerships in place with aggregators across these industries, however we want to do a gradual launch so we do it correctly and not too much at once.
  • KYC process finalised. When you take a picture of your ID it automatically pre populates information to the next screen. If it doesn’t recognise, you will need to manually enter. KYC allows for a decentralised system. All information is encrypted and stored on your own phone. This is then stored on the blockchain, through the hash for the file, not the actual file. This means when you’re renting an item the merchant will check the hash matches allowing for complete control of your ID without handing over IDs and cards.
  • New home page has been designed and shown on Livestream.
  • Search results allow for map view and list view.

Sales update:

  • Vietnam sales team are out selling our unique features. These will be announced at a later date.
  • ShareRing has a lot of exciting partnerships in place, not just related to the travel app. We have been looking at other aspects of value of the ShareRing eco-system. Production with large clients will begin within the next few months. In particular our token platform and identity management platform. We will announce these projects in the coming months.

Bitmart Exchange:

  • Started speaking to Bitmart team 8 weeks ago, they particularly appealed to us for the fact that they are registered in New York allowing for our friends across the pond to trade. We also liked the ability to have access to an API to use ShareToken. This means you can purchase SHR on the exchange and this in turn is handed out to the masternodes.
  • Launch went very smoothly with overall positive feedback.

New exchange announcement — BINANCE DEX:

  • Working with Binance DEX distributed exchange. We were contacted by them 3 weeks ago and working to issue our token on the binance distributed exchange.
  • We will hopefully be listed by the end of this month.
  • Binance built on tendermint. This appealed to us as its built from the ground up which is exactly what we are doing.
  • At ShareRing we want to increase the use of cryptocurrency and make it easier for everyone to pay for things with digital currencies.
  • ShareRing will allow users to pay directly from their Binance chain wallet, selecting any token within your binance account.
  • How this works — you select the token that you want to pay with and select pay. We make this simple and easy by doing the conversions in the back end.
  • This in turn will create more liquidity on the exchange.
  • Example — User pays in ETH, we will convert that to BNB and SHR. SHR will go straight out to Masternode holders as part of that transaction, and the BNB will be converted to fiat/crypto depending on what that provider would like to receive.

Whitelabel offering:

  • ShareRing is built on modules — identity management, booking system, asset management system etc. We are packaging this into single platform other providers can use.
  • Providers will be able to integrate with us directly, the same way they can do with aggregators such as HotelBeds, HotelsPro, HomeAway etc.
  • They can choose to integrate part or all modular functionality.
  • We project the transactions we will get from this, to be much greater than the bookings through our own app.

More announcements coming soon, stay tuned!

User questions:

  1. Will there be a delay in launching in Australia, Hong Kong, UK and US because of the focus on SE Asia? The focus in SE Asia is on providers and aggregators. We are currently trialling a few USPs, focusing on high tourist volume. When ShareRing launches anyone in the world can access the app.
  2. Any marketing, promos, competitions before or after DEX? There is still two masternodes up for grabs. Announcement for these to be released over the next couple of weeks.
  3. How quickly do you expect to start listing new trading pairs on BitMart? Is there a reason we only listed with the BTC pair? You mentioned BMX pair in last AMA also, any update in this regard? It was our choice to list only with BTC at present. This decision was made due to how the market is currently. We will keep an eye on it and decide if we should launch BMX trading pair or something else as well.
  4. Will the foundations be working together? Yes, with the foundations we will be providing BNB with part of the travel booking until we finish launching the ShareRing Foundation. We can definitely see crossovers and synergy between the two and working together.
  5. Any update on when we can join the queue to use the app? Any day!! Still working through a couple of small changes. There will be special offers for people who join early. Stay tuned.
  6. What’s your plan to mainstream the app? You will see soon. Starting with the queuing and referral system. Our USPs (to be announced shortly) will entice a lot of travellers! Looking forward to announcing them.
  7. Could you elaborate on marketing plans? This will need to be another AMA, we do have a long and in depth plan in place which we will release at a later date. We will pitch this to you at another AMA.
  8. When can we expect to hear the big names partnerships? This unfortunately isn’t up to us, it’s up to them. When launched they will say ‘powered by SR’.
  9. I am very interested in understanding when main net launch and when can we see master nodes in action. One of the things we did last week, was to refine the code, rebuild the blockchain explorer and Masternodes. We will be getting Masternode holders to add their Masternodes over the next few days. It will run 1 block every 30 seconds if its an empty block and 1 block per second if it has transactions in it — so if there is no transactions it slows down, if there is transaction it speeds up
  10. Are planning partnership with indonesian traveling? Yes, been on our radar for quite a while..

