Main Sale — How to contribute

Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2018

Dear ShareRing community,

Well, the day is almost upon us.. our main sale starts in just under 19 hours. As a reminder, the sale starts at midnight on June 4th, GMT+0 (June 4th, 10am Melbourne/Sydney time, or June 3rd, 5pm Los Angeles).

The process to contribute is very very simple:

Step 1: Please make sure you have completed your Whitelist and KYC BEFORE you contribute. If you do it during the main sale, it may take up to 24 hours for your ETH address to be whitelisted, so please do it as early as possible.

Step 2: Once you have done your KYC, simply go to , then click on ‘SIGN IN’ at the top of the page. If you’ve forgotten your credentials, just click ‘Recover Lost Password’ to reset them.

Step 3: After signing in, if you are approved for the main sale, you’ll see a page that’s similar to the one below(note: There will be some minor changes when we go live tomorrow).

Step 4: To contribute, log in to your personal ETH wallet (it should be the same one that you whitelisted. It will be listed at the bottom left for your reference), then send any amount of ETH to the address on the right in ORANGE. Please double check the address before sending, we are not liable for any losses caused by entering the wrong contribution address.

Step 5: After you’ve sent the ETH, it will be confirmed on the network, and you’ll receive the SHR tokens directly back into your wallet. You should be able to see them by going to and typing in your wallet address. The MAIN SALE page will also display the number of SHR tokens that you should have received (this may take awhile to update, so please be patient)

Step 6: The tokens will be locked (ie. you can’t move them anywhere) until approximately 1 week after the main sale.

If you have ANY issues or questions, please email us at OR jump on our telegram and ask one of our community managers:

NOTE: There is no min/max GAS required for this sale.. please use what you feel is necessary (lower gas = slower transaction speed).

NOTE 2: PLEASE ONLY CONTRIBUTE FROM A WALLET THAT IS NOT ON AN EXCHANGE. You can use MEW, Trezor, Ledger, etc wallets that support ERC20 tokens. If you are unsure, please ask!

NOTE 3: If the main sale is oversubscribed, or you are sending from an account that isn’t whitelisted, your ETH will be returned to you immediately.




The world’s first trusted token for sharing services. One way to pay for sharing everything, no matter what it is or where you are.