Masternode Competition Part Two

Published in
6 min readFeb 27, 2019

Our second Masternode competition is here!

To recap, ShareRing has five Masternodes up for grabs. Each competition is going to run a little differently with all announcements to be made across socials so be sure to stay tuned!

To kick things off, our second Masternode up for grabs will be run as a silent auction going to the highest SHR (ShareToken) bidder. Please note this must be a SHR purchase through DX.Exchange.

You will have 10 days to purchase the tokens, and then express your bid via email, once the 10 days expires, we will notify the highest bidder who will have 24 hours to prove their token balance. Once verified, the Masternode is yours.

Must know:

  1. There’s no minimum starting bid
  2. Competition opens 22 February 2019 at 23:59 GMT+0
  3. Email your bids to:
  4. Competition closes 03 March 2019 at 23:59 GMT+0
  5. ShareRing will email the highest bidder
  6. Highest bidder will then have 24 hours to grab a screenshot of purchased SHR
  7. Email back your screenshot to:
  8. Masternode is awarded

And remember, please only bid what you are prepared to purchase.

Good luck and happy bidding!

And don’t forget to stay tuned across our socials for our next announcement…

- From the Team at ShareRing

Terms and Conditions:

  • The Promoter is ShareRing Holdings, Malta.
  • Information on how to enter and prizes forms part of the terms of entry. Entry into the competition is deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions.
  • If there is any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and anything else that refers to this competition, these Terms and Conditions will prevail.

Who can enter:

  • Entry is open to those who have joined DX.Exchange and hold a valid DX.Exchange wallet.

When to enter:

  • Enter the competition via the instructions provided.
  • Entries must be received between 22 February 2019 at 23:59 GMT+0 and 03 March 2019 at 23:59 GMT+0.
  • Time of entry will be taken into consideration based on each specific campaign.
  • The promoter accepts no responsibility for any late, lost or misdirected entries including incorrect ETH address, GAS limit, or delays in the functionality of the token sale smart contract or Ethereum network.

How to enter:

  • Entrants may enter the competition by joining DX.Exchange and having a valid DX.Exchange wallet address.
  • If deemed highest bidder, entrant must submit a proof of bid purchase of agreed amount of SHR (ShareToken) via DX.Exchange and show proof of purchase by providing wallet ids and user information within 24 hours of notification of winning.
  • If deemed highest bidder, entrant must hold the amount of tokens bought or entrant will lose the Masternode
  • Entrants are required to take full responsibility for the content of their entry and for ensuring that their entry complies with these Conditions of Entry. For the purposes of these content requirements, “entry content” includes any content (DX.Exchange wallet address, screen-grab proof of transaction, email addresses, etc.) that entrants submit, upload, transmit, publish, communicate or use in connection with their entry into this competition.
  • The promoter reserves the right to disqualify any entrant who tampers with the entry process, who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms & Conditions of Entry or who has, in the opinion of the promoter, engages in conduct in entering the Promotion which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the competition or promoter. This includes, but not limited, to entrants and households using multiple email addresses, postal addresses, PO Box addresses or SIM cards to register single or multiple purchases.

Number of Entries Permitted:

  • Unlimited entries

Draw and Notification of Winner:

  • The first single Masternode winner will be decided by the highest bid with proof of SHR purchase through DX.Exchange.
  • As the competitions continue throughout the coming weeks, the different winners of the 5 available Masternodes will be notified in a way deemed appropriate per competition.
  • The promoter’s decision is final and the promoter will not enter into correspondence regarding the competition result or any other decisions the promoter makes in connection with the promotion.
  • The winner/s will be notified by their registered email address within one week of drawing.
  • Prizes will be awarded to person named in the entry. However, in a dispute, will be awarded to the account holder of the entry mechanism used to submit their entry (i.e. email address).

Prize on offer:

  • Individual prize value cannot be determined, as it is dependent on the earning power of the Masternodes.
  • One winner will receive one Masternode.
  • The winner of the Masternode must hold their bid purchase of SHR in an Ethereum address they control or they will lose the Masternode.
  • All winners will have the ongoing option to ‘stake’ more of their own tokens into the winning Masternode.
  • Prizes cannot be transferred, exchanged or redeemed for cash
  • It is a condition of accepting the prize that the winner must comply with all the conditions of use of the prize and the prize supplier’s requirements. It is the responsibility of the winner to confirm such conditions with the prize supplier or other relevant third parties
  • The winner/s is/are responsible for all the expenses and associated costs of hosting the Masternode.
  • By entering this competition, entrants accept and acknowledge full responsibility for their decision to participate in this prize should they be chosen as winners. The winners release the promoter and other organizers, their related bodies of corporate, affiliates, officers, agents and employees, from all liabilities, loss and damage of any kind arising at any time out of or in connection with the acceptance of, and participation in, the prize. Without limiting the foregoing, the released parties not be liable for any injury, sickness or death, property loss or damage or other direct or indirect loss or damage of any kind, howsoever sustained or incurred, in connection with or arising out of the prize or any other aspect of the prize.

Further Terms and Conditions:

  • Subject to complying with all relevant legislation, the Promoter reserves the right to amend, cancel or suspend this competition if an event beyond the control of the Promoter corrupts or affect the administration security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the competition. The Promoter will disqualify any individual who has tampered with the entry process or any other aspect of this competition.
  • The Promoter ShareRing and their associated companies and employees assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to, or alteration of entries, and reserves the right to take any action that may be available.
  • If for any reason this competition is not capable of running as planned, including due to infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or any causes beyond the control of the Promoter, which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness or integrity or proper conduct of this promotion, the Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, take any action that may be available, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the competition, subject to any direction given under jurisdictional Regulation.
  • Entrants are responsible for any cost associated with accessing the promotional website . Access to that site is dependent on the Internet service provider.
  • If the prize is unavailable, for whatever reason, the Promoter reserves the right to cancel the competition.
  • In the case of the intervention of any outside act, agent or event which prevents or significantly hinders the Promoter’s ability to proceed with the competition on the dates and in the manner described in these terms and conditions, including but not limited to vandalism, power failures, tempests, natural disasters, civil unrest, strike, war, act of terrorism, the Promoter may in its absolute discretion cancel the competition and recommence it from the start on the same conditions.

