The Loop # 3

Brooke Roberts


Keeping you in the loop with Sharesies.

We’re making it easy to invest.

Wahoo we’ve reached one month of being in the Kiwibank Fintech Accelerator & being an official business (aka incorporated), with the purpose to achieve:

Our Vision: we want someone with $50 to have the same investment opportunities as someone with $50,000.

Our Mission: To make this generation the most financially literate generation in history.

This week we’ve been hustling in Auckland- from presenting at the RFi global digital banking conference, chatting with lawyers & fund managers and meeting other rad fintech founders. We’ve now had:

  • 2,302 visitors to (↑50%)
  • 1,817 unique visitors to our site (↑64%)
  • 309 customers signed up eagerly awaiting the release of our beta (↑72%)
  • 602 followers on Facebook (↑419%)
  • 2 early-stage investors
  • & sweet progress with the help of people like…..
A snapshot from our Auckland Hustle

Over the next few weeks we will be focused on:

  1. Growing our movement
  2. Design & early build of our MVP
  3. Securing Assets for our MVP
  4. Growing & nurturing our community


  • Building momentum: Massive (419%) increase in Facebook followers which will be a key acquisition channel for us
  • Started to get vocal

Why we started Sharesies

International Women’s Day reflections

  • Banking conference presentation got a lot of bankers very interested in what we’re doing- even signing up for our beta.

Fintech & Banking: our insights

  • Made great progress with our business model
  • We’re still chasing the magic number of 50,000 followers by May 19, so only 49,398 to go.


Can we please get your help with:

  1. If you want to attend Demo Day (on the 19th May from 5pm-7pm in Wellington) please let me know and I will make sure you’re on the invite list
  2. Share these updates: We also post these updates here so please share to your networks and online
  3. Connections: If there is anyone you think we need to connect with or keep in the loop please let us know
  4. Send anyone you know who may be interested in our beta product launch to sign-up on

So yeah…not asking too much….

Challenges / struggles

  • Building the back-office 100% accurate is essential so making sure we give ourselves the time to get into the nitty gritty.
  • The cost of getting around Auckland ;)

Shout outs & thank you!

Massive shout out to the following people who have given us their valuable time over the last few weeks.

Rebekah, Aaron, Nick, Kerry, Graham, Paul, Michael, Ian, Mandy, Asa, Alex, Rick, Ines, William, Jeremy, Hartley, Stephen, Ben, Kristen, Craig, Catherine, Mike, Sue, Nicky, Hugh, Damian, Richard, Elyse, Terry, Hamish, Edwin, Phillip & Fintech Accelerator Team.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.

Cheers from the Sharesies founders,

Brooke, Sonya & Leighton

Sonya & our Designer, Ben…. using a cheaper way to get around :)

