The Loop Issue # 13

Brooke Roberts
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2017

Keeping you in the loop with Sharesies.

💖 Investing

Our Vision: We want someone with $50 to have the same investment opportunities as someone with $50,000.

So responsible 🌏 💦

Today we launched socially responsible investment options on our platform — something we’ve been wanting to do since day one, and have had great demand for! This required us to build a tax engine, so we now can offer managed funds as well as ETFs.

We also made a few updates to make it even easier for people to pick what to invest in.

Since our last Loop, our key metrics have gone ↑↑↑:

  • 10,228 followers on Facebook (↑19%)
  • 6,770+ active Sharesies customers (↑33%) 🎉

Over the next few weeks we will be focussed on:

  1. Getting around the country spreading the Sharesies word.
  2. Adding even more updates to our app.
  3. Finalising our investment round.


Product progress


Sonya and I got a lil’ flash celebrating all the finalists and winners at the Women of Influence dinner.

Sharing the Sharesies stories at events. Thanks to:

  • Payments NZ
  • INFINZ/ CFA — Women in Finance Events
  • ICE Angels
  • New Zealand Shareholder Association NZSA
  • New Zealand China Trade Association (NZCTA) — Young Associates
  • Rototuna School
Leighton and I chatting money, investing & Sharesies with a bright bunch of students.

Driving up content = driving up leads


Can we please get your help with:

  1. Talk Sharesies! Bring it up with family, friends or colleagues. Share the word, investing is now accessible. Oh and send them to to sign up ;)
  2. If you’re connected with a company that employs people, can you put me in touch with the HR team? We’re keen to see how Sharesies can help support employee financial wellbeing. Here’s a bit of ammo.

Challenges / struggles

Sickness got a few of us down in the team — including myself 😷. All are fighting fit now though (touch wood).

Shout outs & thank you!

Goes out to the Sharesies team this time. So lucky to be able to build Sharesies with this smart and fun bunch 🙌

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.

Team Sharesies: Brooke, Sonya, Leighton, Martyn, Richard, Nat & Ben

