The Loop Issue # 6

Brooke Roberts
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2017

Keeping you in the loop with Sharesies.

Love Investing

Well — this is intensely fun! It’s heating up at Sharesies as we build our Alpha. We’ve been pitching, designing, developing and promoting. So much to do!

We’ve opened our convertible note raise and it’s filling up fast 😃.

Also, if you’re interested in coming along to Demo Day in Wellington on May 19th? Sign up here:

Show me the #’s

Since our last Loop, our key metrics have gone ↑↑↑:

  • 7,255 visits to (↑40%)
  • 5,621 unique visitors to our site (↑39%)
  • 2,678 followers on Facebook (↑59%)
  • 1,504 beta signups (↑48%)

Over the next few weeks we will be focussed on:

  1. Sharesies Alpha testing
  2. Investor hustle
  3. Building partnerships


This week the champions at Springload let the Sharesies team take over their roof-top house so we could crank into our alpha build. Was great to see the team working together and the Sharesies culture really come to life! 👌 Springload!

Enjoying the sweet digs courtesy of Springload ☀️

Product progress

  • Design & Dev built the Alpha — it’s all go!
  • Compliance on track.

Driving up content = driving up leads

We’ve been pitching up a storm! Meeting a lot of potential investors who are so excited about what we’re doing and got some committed $ this week too. This is really validating what we’re doing from a business perspective which we’re stoked about.

Also, we’ve been meeting awesome people truly driven to ensure Kiwi’s are protected and informed when it comes to their money 🙌.

Sharesies with awesome people from the FMA (Financial Markets Authority)


Can we please get your help with:

  1. Send anyone you know who may be interested in our beta product launch to sign-up on
  2. Interested in partnering with us? Reach out
  3. Share these updates 👍

Challenges / struggles

It’s crunch time as the whole team works hard building our Alpha and then Beta. We’re having heaps of fun building Sharesies but conscious we are human — so got to make sure we balance the load.

Shout outs & thank you!

Massive shout out to the following people who have given us their valuable time over the last few weeks.

John, Nicky, Dean, David, Liam, Dave, Jenny, Paul, Michael, Rob, Robert, George, Andrew, Zoe, Kate, Kurt, Shamubeel, Natalie, Ian, Liam, Mandy, Asa, Alex, Kelcey, Kristen, Ryan, David, Asa, Nick & Doug.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.

Cheers from the Sharesies founders,

Brooke, Sonya, Leighton, Martyn, Richard & Ben

Team #Sharesies

