What’s next for Sharesome?

Our Q4/2022 roadmap

Ralf Gonzo Kappe
Published in
9 min readNov 1, 2022


Mainstream social media is not the place to promote adult content or share nudes. Reddit is quitely banning adult content creators, Instagram just banned Pornhub and made clear that following the rules doesn't help if you “encourage users to leave Instagram and visit a porn site”. So, it doesn’t help to comply with Instagram’s content rules, if you have an off-platform porn brand they will ban you no matter what content you post.

The list of porn bans goes on and also back to 2018 when Tumblr issued a ban on NSFW content. The CEO of Automattic, which acquired Tumblr from Verizon in 2019, explained recently why it still bans porn: To avoid sparking a crackdown from credit card companies and Apple. Financial discrimination against adult content creators goes deep. Just last month Wells Fargo closed the bank account of Alana Evans because she’s a legal sex worker. But it is not only banks, PayPal and Venmo also have restrictions against adult creators, and Stripe doesn’t allow sex workers to use its services.

This is why we are buidling Sharesome, the world’s only sex-positive social media site with Flame Token as its native utility token on top of it. Our vision is to make social media more open-minded by allowing it to post nudes and bring Web3 to social media.

We believe that social media should allow the expression of any kind of (legal) sexuality and that everyone should have access to financial tools that benefit them — that is the kind of network we set out to build.

We believe that there is a potential of 200–700M MAU users for a sex-positive social media site.

Sharesome v27 is on the way

Right now the team works on the next sprint which is v27 of Sharesome. The new version will be the biggest update ever shipped in our history. So, we are super excited to share with you what we are currently working on.

We improve the way you can set up paid promotions on Sharesome. This is one of the biggest disadvantages that adult content creators have compared to their mainstream peers on legacy social media: They can’t advertise!

We will implement v2 of our “Promote Profile” feature.

Sharesome’s advanced ‘Promote Profile’ feature

Now you can set up the time you want your profile to be promoted on the site. We also increased the visibility of the profile promotions by tapping into more areas to show the ads.

Finally good news for topic moderators: Promote Topic is coming!

New on Sharesome: Promote Topic

The new feature follows the already tested concept of “Promote Profile” where you buy time on site from our inventory.

One of the most extensive new features is Awards. If you’re enjoying content from a creator on Sharesome, you can send them now Awards.

Send Awards to show gratitude for the content you love.

Awards will replace our current tipping button. To send Awards you need to have Flame Credits in your wallet. These are available in different bundles. The bigger the bundle, the bigger the discount.

Purchase Flame Credits with Visa or Mastercard

When a user tips Awards to a post, the Flames are split using the following distribution model:

- 81% to the people who appeared in the content (the creator(s))
- 10% to the person who posted the content (or 9% if the content was reshared)
- 1% to the original poster (if the content is a reshare)
- 1% to the users who successfully identified the people who appeared in the content or who assigned a relevant topic to the post (0.5% if the post was posted by a verified user who certified that they own the content)
- 1% to the topic moderators (if the content was posted in a topic)
- 7–8.5% to Sharesome (depending on if the post was posted in a topic and if the post was posted by a verified user who certified that they own the content)

Verified users can maximize their token split by posting content that they created, thus getting up to 91% of the tokens tipped to a post.

Flame Credits are not redeemable. They can be used by the creator for promotions.

Social Subscription

Snapchat is testing a paid subscription (Snapchat+) that gives access to premium features since June 2022. Twitter is experimenting with Twitter Blue in the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand one year longer, since June 2021.

We launched Sharesome Pro containing an ad-free app experience, a special profile badge, and priority support in Q3 2021. Sharesome Pro is available through a subscription service for 1,000 Flame Credits a month, or 10,000 Flame Credits a year.

No we work on some improvements for Sharesome Pro and implementing a monthly Flame Credit subscription. That means Sharesome Pro users will get a certain amount of Flame Credits every month with their subscription. At the same time, we will also introduce recurring Flame Credit subscriptions for regular purchases.

We will also include lifetime access to Sharesome Analytics data instead of the 6-month window for regular users.

Lifetime referral program

Another feature that you guys asked for for a long time is a referral program. We heard you and will implement a 5% lifetime referral program. That means that for every Flame Credits purchase of a user that you refer to us, you will receive a 5% lifetime commission.

OnlyFans Promotion

Since the majority of our ads promote an OnlyFans profile, we are working on a search-based OnlyFans ad format. Those search-based ad formats became popular with the rise of ‘OnlyFans search engines’ like OnlyFinder, Fansmetrics, or Hubite and will be available for purchase on Sharesome soon as well.

Web3 is coming our way

As you might have heard, Flame Technologies AG, our company behind Sharesome and Flame Token just acquired all assets from the Web3 project Nafty.

That means that some amazing Web3 integrations are coming your way.

Among other things, Nafty was running the NFT marketplace NaftyArt. We will begin with integrating Naftys NFT marketplace technology fully into Sharesome. NaftyArt will be discontinued.

Sharesome is launching a new NFT marketplace

The marketplace will allow users to purchase blockchain-based collectibles for a fixed rate. There will be no need for a crypto wallet to buy them, our existing Flame Credits (that are accessible with a credit or debit card) are enough, and users can store the collectibles in our own Sharesome wallet.

We start working now with artists and stars to launch at least 20 designs with limited-edition NFTs that can be used as avatars on Sharesome or simply showcased as a collection on the profile. Prices for the NFTs will start at $4.99 and will go up to $99.99.

Sharesome will share the revenue from secondary sales of these NFTs on marketplaces like OpenSea or Rarible 50/50 with the creators of the collectibles.

Users that own at least one Sharesome Collectible will have a new hexa-shaped profile picture everywhere on the platform, no matter if they use their Sharesome Collectible as an avatar or not.

Let’s talk about fans, baby!

Web3 has and will fundamentally change what it means to be a fan of something or someone. NFTs made the internet ownable. In the future, we will see NFTs develop beyond digital art into all forms of content.

We long talked only about creators in the adult industry and forgot to talk about the fans. We know that fans are an essential part of every creator economy, but they don't participate economically in it. We will change this.

So, let’s talk about fans.

We know that fans can move mountains and have power. Fans of One Direction literally made the British-Irish boy band. K-pop fans flooded police tip lines during Black Lives Matter protests and ordered tickets to Trump rallies, which helped leave a lot of seats empty at the venues. Football fans have been able to crush plans for a Super League.

The internet brought fans closer to their favorite creators. Now we take that one step further and use Web3 to enable fans and their favorite creators to be a part of the same team. Fans will have “skin in the game” by contributing their own work and money to the content they create by turning the current flow upside down by writing the scripts and hiring their favorite creators.

It is a win-win for both parties, the fan and the creator. The fan is incentivized to be an even more vocal supporter of the creator and he becomes an active contributor to the creator's content. The creator opens a new monetization channel and gets access to fans that are celebrities themselves.

In Web2, fans were passively supporting somebody. All of the value generated went to the creator and to third-party platforms like OnlyFans.

In Web3, fans have the opportunity to realize economic gain by becoming a producer themselves and starting their own projects.

It is already happening: Look at the early NFT collectors like @punk4156, @DeezeFi, @punk6529, and others who are now celebrities. They started as fans and became respected curators, and now even producers and creators themselves.

Pornvestors Mock-up (all content is only for illustration purposes)

We will launch Pornvestors, a fan-driven platform where fans become porn producers by starting their own projects in just a few minutes.

Pornvestors will be part of the Sharesome ecosystem. Access to Pornvestors will be available by connecting your Sharesome wallet with the site.

Users can start projects in just a few minutes. Every new project starts as an idea in the ‘Warm Up’ phase and aims to gather enough support to become an official ‘Offer’. When a project got enough support, the project will become an ‘Offer’ and the fundraising starts.

At the moment a project gets feedback from the potential creator, the project is in the official ‘Fundraising’ phase.

If a project is finished, the ‘Monetization’ phase starts and the producers can start promoting and selling their content. Producers will receive royalties for the content they created and that they actively promote.

Based on the Nafty technology, we will also launch the new streaming platform Nightflix which will monetize Pornvestors content and distribute earnings to the producers transparent on the blockchain.

Nightflix will also be open for all other creators and studios as a new monetization channel.

Our mission

Our mission is to build a sex-positive social media site. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything else just serves this purpose. The creation of a fan-driven crowdfunding platform, the launch of a new streaming platform, the implementation of a cryptocurrency, and so on…

We will use the Web3 technology stack to make our vision a reality, but simply adding Web3 technology to our project will not change anything at large. The shift must go beyond technology. We need to shift society and culture. We need a real product-market fit. We need to change us, sex workers, users, lawmakers, developers, and many more to build a better product.

We believe that there is a potential of 200–700M MAU users for a sex-positive social media site.

We are well on our way to becoming this site.


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And don’t forget: Join Sharesome! (NSFW)

Ralf Kappe
Sharesome Founder & CEO



Ralf Gonzo Kappe

Bitcoin enthusiast. Entrepreneur and investor. Bringing blockchain and porn together.