Experience Economy: Automation, Generations & Social factors

Mirco Pasqualini
Shared by Mirco Pasqualini
16 min readMar 3, 2019


X as a symbol for the Experience Economy

More than 20 years have passed since Joseph Pine II and Jim Gilmore introduced the concept of the “Experience Economy” that identified and described a phenomenon that was only at the beginning stages and that grew more and more. They explained that after the agrarian, industrial, and service economies comes the experience economy. It is now what the consumer demands from brands and businesses. And they were right because according to consulting firms, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator by the year 2020.

Joseph Pine II (left), Jim Gilmore (right)

The manifestation of the experience economy is not recent, it started with the Hippie movement in the ’60s, leading into the New Age movement, which claimed the next millennium as the age of the human experience and consciousness– being all connected. (It is amusing now to think about how this “all connected” philosophy/way of life became a reality in a way that could never have been imagined in the 60s.)

Hippie generation (Woodstock, NY 1969)

