Chapulines, Chapulines, Chapulineees!

Sampling Grasshoppers in Pubela

Curious & Hungry by Carly Dela Cruz
Sharing Food


All photos by author.

A regional specialty, these chapulines (grasshoppers) were harvested last year in their peak season and then toasted on a comal (traditional Mexican griddle) with seasonings.

Call it hunger or call it courage, or maybe it was the convincing vendor selling his chapulines like an auctioneer, I somehow ended up staring at a bag of chapulines in my hand. The longer I stared at them the longer I questioned why I did it, but there was no going back.

I closed my eyes for the first bite — holy SALT. Once I was able to unpucker my mouth, I focused on the texture — crunchy, airy, and light. They almost disappear in your mouth. Then all you’re left with is flavor. They’re toasty, nutty, and earthy from toasting on the comal and simultaneously zesty and pungent from the salt, lime, garlic, and chiles. Chapulines are little flavor firecrackers that pack an unassuming punch.

Index finger and thumb bright red coated in chile, I continued popping them like they were spicy hot Cheetos. Next thing you know, the bag is held taught and angled towards my face, when a waterfall of tiny grasshopper leg remnants pour into my mouth.

“Chapulines, huh? You really went for it.”



Curious & Hungry by Carly Dela Cruz
Sharing Food

Gastronomic traveler & writer. Where unconventional encounters of food, travel, and culture meet insatiable curiosity and deep discovery.