Everyone Needs to Try Fresh Figs At Least Once

How a little-known fruit became a symbol of hope and good surprises

Evin Ibrahim
Sharing Food


Photo montage of figs in various stages of being eaten.
Figs in various stages of being eaten. All photos by the author.

I grew up in South East Asia, near the Equator. It was the land of exotic fruits. Papayas, mangoes, mangosteen, pineapples — these were the staples of my everyday life.

Except, I didn’t think of them as exotic. They were just… fruits.

They were the “normal” thing to eat when I came home from school or to munch on for dessert after dinner. Exotic didn’t mean tropical fruits. Exotic meant the stuff on the labels of St. Dalfour jams: cherries, blueberries, raspberries, and peaches. The fruits from the countries that had winter snow and colorful autumn seasons — now that was fancy.

When I became old enough to travel, I would finally eat those “exotic” fruits in the flesh, sometimes picking them in orchards. They were enjoyable — especially those ripe Australian cherries when they had just been twisted off the stems. Ahh… perfection!

But there is one fruit that I find truly magical. And no, it is not one of the tropical fruits I grew up with. Neither is it one of those fruits grown in temperate climates.

I’m talking about figs.

A surprising discovery



Evin Ibrahim
Sharing Food

Music therapist by day, writer by night. I write about refugee life, mental health, living in the Middle East/US/Asia, intercultural marriage & dating.