Food Musings

#2: Fermented Strawberry Soda

Sai Kalyanaraman
Sharing Food
3 min readMay 7, 2024


photo by Sai Kalyanaraman

Strawberries that in gardens grow,
are plump and juicy fine.
Tastes sweeter, for the wise men know
it has sprung from the woodland vine.

No need for a bowl or a silver spoon,
nor the sugar, spice, or cream.
They know the wild berry was plucked in June,
beside a trickling stream.

Fermentation is not just a biochemical process; it is a transformative journey. From sourdough to sauerkraut, kombucha to wine, fermented products exhibit a magical evolution as ingredients undergo metamorphosis.

Each bubbling fermentation vessel holds the potential for an explosion of flavors, creating a symphony of taste that awakens our senses and offers a glimpse into the artistry and alchemy of nature.

photo by Sai Kalyanaraman

By tapping into the natural process of fermentation, we are encouraged to break free from our culinary comfort zones and explore uncharted territories. It pushes us to reevaluate our preconceived notions of what is appetizing or edible.

This transformative process plays a significant role in maintaining biodiversity, by reminding us that behind every delicious bite lies a symphony of microscopic organisms working in harmony, and restores ecological balance, by reducing food wastage.

It's a powerful tool for self-sufficiency and independence. Through this transformative process, individuals can actively participate in the creation of their own food, breaking free from reliance on industrial production and processed goods.

This act of empowerment not only nourishes our bodies but also nourishes our connection to the earth, fostering a sense of agency and stewardship over what we consume. It's a revolution in reclaiming our food sovereignty and taking a step towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

photo by Sai Kalyanaraman

From patiently waiting for the bubbling of a sourdough starter to the months-long process of aging wine or cheese, fermentation teaches us a profound lesson in surrendering control and placing faith in the inherent wisdom of nature.

In the process of fermenting, we relinquish our need for immediate gratification and embrace the slow and steady transformation, understanding that true alchemy occurs in its own time.

“The secrets of evolution are death and time — the deaths of enormous numbers of lifeforms that were imperfectly adapted to the environment; and time for a long succession of small mutations.”
~ Carl Sagan

Action is one, two is a coincidence, three forms a trend and behold, a pattern emerges. If a pattern is observable, can it not be manipulated? Yeah coz’ patterns are mathematical. There is nothing random or indeterministic in math. If not, the order will collapse.

At the same time, no two batches of sauce taste the same. Every lambic is different. Every sourdough is different. That’s the beauty of mutation. Maybe we think we control something because we think we recognize a pattern. Maybe control is just an illusion.

Rather than seeking perfection, mutation reminds us that even in the imperfect, there is beauty to be found and savored. It fuels our connection to ourselves, our communities, and the natural world, fostering a symbiotic relationship with nature.

Whether it is sharing recipes, exchanging techniques, or cultivating a deeper appreciation for diverse flavors, fermentation creates a space for collaboration, dialogue, and camaraderie.

photo by Sai Kalyanaraman

Do not surrender your grief so quickly,
let it cut more deeply.
Let it ferment and season you,
for very few divine ingredients hold the potential to imbue.

