Spaghetti | Pasta | Italian food

I Just Want a Soft Spaghetti

Mario World
Sharing Food
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2023


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As I wrote in the previous article:

Even though their pasta and spaghetti hold the same name in both Italy and Asia, they do have different textures varying from place to place.

Yeap! Italian people love sticky spaghetti texture which they can chew. In Asia, on the other hand (replace with “that’s another story”?), we eat soft noodles, soft pasta, and soft spaghetti.

The story is about my request for softer spaghetti on my plate that got rejected.

This happens when we were preparing dinner during those first days of my exchange year in Italy.

My host dad was boiling the spaghetti, and I was waiting. That night I remember clearly that the previous night we had Italian-style spaghetti and it was sticky and hard to chew because I have my braces on, having said that, I asked my host dad whether I can have a softer spaghetti for myself. He asked me back, “Why?” I said, “It’s hard for me to chew.” He replied, “In Italiano, we don’t eat soft pasta. We chew the pasta.” And the pasta he was talking about includes spaghetti. From my understanding, spaghetti is a type of pasta in Italy.

But but but, a few days later my host family somehow started to understand why I can’t chew sticky stuff because I have my braces on, and actually is one of the reasons. You may be wondering, “Hey, what do you mean by ‘one of the reasons’, are there many reasons behind this simple thing?” Yes, there are more reasons, such as, I am not used to eating sticky noodles.

In the end, they let me have my softer spaghetti by boiling it for a longer period of time, but it’s not too soft tho. Anyways, thanks!

But soon later, I haven’t seen them boiling my noodle longer than before. I still eat the things they cooked, and the taste and the texture are just fine now. So, I guess I am able to adapt to their culture within just 7 to 10 days.

Wow, I have unlocked another accomplishment which I am really grateful for. I believe that everything that happens is always a good thing. No matter whether that good thing has occurred already or not, one day at the right time, it will come to you. So thanks for everything that happened and shaped me into who I am.

Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you enjoy reading my articles. Take care!

As always,

See you later, alligator!



Mario World
Sharing Food

Hey, I’m Mario! I am a tech geek who is interested in psychology. I like to learn new things and I love sharing. Follow me on Medium if you are also a geek.