Sharing Food — August 2024 Wrap-up
We are growing by leaps and bounds!
Hello foodies!
It is so hard to believe that another month has flown by! My life was tossed a bit upside down in August as my partner and I suddenly left the farm we had been working at for 8 months and then headed to my hometown to help my parents move. We also got a short gig to do some painting work in the building that they moved into.
With juggling all of this, I haven’t found much time or energy for writing for the past few weeks — but, it’s okay we are coming out the other end of it and will soon be flying off to Europe for a few months over the winter. I know for sure that once I get back on the road, I will have lots to write about and I can’t wait to bring you along on my food journeys!
I have to extend a HUGE thanks to my co-editors Dim Nikov and Mark Laflamme for helping me to continue growing Sharing Food, even when I felt like I could barely keep up. I truly appreciate the team we have built and I look forward to many more years of this partnership.
In the July wrap-up, I announced that we had over 400 followers of the publication. Today, I am thrilled to announce that we have over 750! What a month it has been!