5 ways to explore the entrepreneurial and tech ecosystem of your city.

Karla Garcia
Sharing Life
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2018

I have always been interested in technology and entrepreneurship, but I have never had an active participation in this ecosystem. That story changed when I started working with AIESEC, a young global leadership movement and with the 1950Labs, a technology startup based in Uruguay and Miami.

If you are interested in deepening your knowledge about the tech and entrepreneurial ecosystem of your region, in this post I will share with you 5 ways on how to start exploring your community:

1. Join Meetup groups: Meetup brings people together in thousands of cities to do more of what they want to do in life. It is organized around one simple idea: when we get together and do the things that matter to us, we are at our best. That is what Meetup does. It brings people together to do, explore, teach and learn the things that help them come alive.

2. Participate in a TED event: TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world.

3. Work/attend events in coworking spaces: Connect with a community that shares the same work environment. These spaces not only present a new proposal of work and interaction but also host events for the internal and external community. It’s an incredible opportunity to learn and connect with many different types of profiles.

4. Collaborate in a Hackathon: Is a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers, project managers, and others, often including subject-matter-experts, collaborate intensively on software projects.

5. Attend to a Startup Weekend: In just 54 hours, you will experience the highs, lows, fun, and pressure that make up life at a startup. As you learn how to create a real company, you will meet the very best mentors, investors, co-founders, and sponsors who are ready to help you get started.

I shared with you five ways to explore the entrepreneurial and technological ecosystem around you, but nothing compares to being an active participant in this ecosystem.

This is probably a topic for another post, but from now on I want to encourage you to not only watch but also participate in your community. Take risks, put that project under the table, join groups or even the simplest of actions: start writing for your community!

And a hint of gold: educate yourself about your ecosystem, about entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology. Read books and blogs, listen to podcasts, create connections with people who can also be a kind of “mentor” in this process with you.

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Karla Garcia
Sharing Life

About being Brazilian and facing the challenges of the tech industry.