In the game against depression and anxiety, my work was my wild card.

Karla Garcia
Sharing Life
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2018

A person told me that my life is involved in a lot of drama. We barely knew each other, but I knew he was right. However, despite all my dysfunctionality, I realized that something was going very well: my professional life.

I have had the opportunity and the privilege of living incredible experiences over the past two years. However, at the beginning of 2017, some situations got complicated and I started to feel a bit unstable. That is when I started having anxiety attacks and nervous breakdowns. My doctor prescribed me anti-depressants to slow me down and it worked. I felt that the problems did not hit me in the same way; I was always calm and quiet. That is when I realized that I was losing my will to live and then I stopped using the drugs.

Most of my instability came from my last job. Three doctors encouraged me to quit my job, but I did not hear any of them and despite all my psychological problems, I had a commitment to that organization and to myself. I am a workaholic; I love working and being involved with many projects. I never stop, this is my essence. But, as much as I loved what I was doing, that job was not giving me anything good.

And in the midst of this mess, in May 2017, I started working for 1950Labs.

Working with 1950Labs, I understood that it was perfectly possible to continue with my essence and not sink into depression and anxiety because of this. I remember that after the first day I left the office smiling from ear to ear. My joy was remarkable and I knew I was in the right place.
I want to highlight 2 factors that I consider the great influencers of my joy and satisfaction with my work:

The working environment: I felt free to work, to think, to expose my ideas. I miss to wake up and go to the office and to buy empanadas in the corner. I miss the meetings with my boss, and monthly lunches with all the team and especially the co-working dogs. Working in an environment like this motivates you, makes you want to grow and helps you to build new paths. It helps you to feel part of something, something that makes you feel good.

My boss: He never failed me, unlike me, who made a very big slip with him once. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a boss who cares, values and respects you personally and professionally, but I was. Leonel takes care of everyone on the team, it is very important to him that everyone is feeling good, comfortable and satisfied — and he will not hesitate to help anyone on the team whenever necessary. He is a manager, a leader. With him, there has always been an open channel for conversations, discussions, and feedback without any fear of reprisal or taking it personally.

I never told him, but this job saved me.

I love my job, but this time, he also loves me back and gives me something good. One situation brought me back to Brazil, so now I keep working with 1950Labs but remotely. It is a new experience for me, working 100% remote and creating a new discipline of work. But I confess, I’m loving it all and I am also very grateful to continue doing what I do and to be able to continue growing as a growth leader and as a person.

Were you able to capture all the teachings I am sharing with you through this text? If not, I would like to let you this 3 points:

1. Take care of yourself and listen to people who care about you.

2. Love your work, but do not let go of your emotional stability for it.

3. Open your mind and heart for new possibilities; you will never know what awaits you if you are not willing to play for it.

A big hug,



Karla Garcia
Sharing Life

About being Brazilian and facing the challenges of the tech industry.