3, 2, 1, POW!

Preet Patel
Sharing Our Story
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2022
Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

Imagine this: Middle of may and you have a track meet that day. For me, I didnt have to imagine that because it was something I was a part of. I was in the 4x2 (teams of 4 and each person runs 200 meters ) and I was the 4th person of the relay.

There I was. Waiting for the 3rd person to run up to me and hand me the baton.

The moment I had gotten the baton, I had to beat one person 50 meters ahead of me.

50 Meters Passed, he’s still infront of me. 100 meters, the final Strech, and I had to give it my all — Just like Pramukh Swami Maharaj.

Pramukh Swami Maharaj had always gave his all in everything he did, and you could see that from any perspective. Take a look at all the temples, or mandirs, he’s made. The one in new Delhi is a very clear example of the type of work hes done throughout his life.

New Delhi Mandir

Now Me and this other person have 50 meters left and That exactly when I pass him. 25 Meters, Im still infront of him. 0 Meters, And I had won!

