Two Questions For….
Sandra Blühdorn — New Work Expert

Sharkbite Innovation GmbH
Shark Voices
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2021
Sandra Blühdorn — New Work Expert

Sandra, you are our new work expert with lots of experience and a proven track record in consulting in and facilitation of transformation, cultural change, and innovation, with work experience in the corporate and the start-up world.

In these uncertain times, all companies are especially interested in how they can consciously shape their collaboration in an online world.

______________________________________________What recommendations do you have for us?

There is a saying by Ed Catmull from Pixar: “When there’s more truth in the hallways than in the meeting rooms, then you’ve got a problem.
And in these pandemic times, companies literally don’t have hallways anymore as the majority of their employees is working from home or with social distancing at work.

This is why you need to focus on intentionally designing hallways into your online collaboration.

What do I mean by that?
When shifting from mostly physical collaboration to a predominantly online collaboration, naturally most companies’ main focus was first on technology and tools: What technical set-up do we need etc.. This is of course essential in the beginning, and collaboration is more than having the technical means for delivering your work.

Work is collaboration and exchange with your coworkers, and its foundation is a culture that supports everyone’s thriving and contributing.

Culture very often is subtle — it shows up more often in the hallways than in the official meeting rooms. Now, as we don’t happen to meet online just by walking by someone’s office to stop for a chat, it is essential to create these encounters intentionally and to not only bring the work into the meeting rooms but also simple questions like: How are you? How are we? What is needed for us and everyone to create an atmosphere and a climate in which everyone feels seen and heard and is motivated to contribute?

Some tools and techniques can support you in this like i.e. the check-in: You start a meeting, a day, the new week with a check-in where people share their present condition (and not their to do list for the week).

Or, you can invite to open door zooms, where you share a link to your zoom room, and whoever wants to step by can virtually step by for chat.

2020 has surfaced that people over all hierarchies are simply human beings — with families and loved ones and a private life that also needs care and attention. How everyone considers this and lives into this understanding is crucial for a thriving collaboration in an online world.

______________________________________________What role does our mindset play in this?

Mindset is crucial. There are situations at work or in your private life — especially proven during this year — where you simply can’t change the external circumstances.

The only thing you can change is your mindset and attitude towards it.

Instead of wasting energy in resisting, acceptance of these circumstances can be a relief. You can direct your energy into fields that fall under your circle of control, this is a proactive approach.

And, of course, it can be challenging to hold the head up high in times like these but there are proven tools and techniques to train that like mindfulness or something very easy and practical: a gratitude journal.

You only need to take notes — digital or physical doesn’t matter — and start by writing down every day what you are grateful for.

It doesn’t have to be something mind-blowing, already the little things that attract your attention are important — like a smile from the neighbor or a beautiful sunset. Following up on this journal for some weeks significantly improves your mental wellbeing.

Just start with something small: I see every red traffic light as an invitation for a tiny breathing break. On some days, this can be a real game-changer.

______________________________________________Thank you Sandra, for inspiring us and putting the experiences of many into context. We hope everybody will start their gratitude journal now. We will definitely do so.



Sharkbite Innovation GmbH
Shark Voices

We are an innovation enabler and ecosystem builder guided by the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.