Startup tips from Barney Stinson (How I met your mother).. Its going to be Legen..wait for it..

Shoukri K.
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2012

They say you cannot learn from watching TV, but this is not entirely true. I have been a fan of How I Met your Mother. I watched all the seasons, all the episodes, I have them stored on my computer, and when I feel bored, tired, and depressed I just re-run and laugh.

One of my favorite characters on the show is the Legendary Barney Stinson. Barney is a single guy who will do anything and everything to hookup with any girl he lays his eyes on. He is a successful banker, business man, and he always seem to get what he wants. As he puts it in his own words “Barney Stinson always gets the yes”.

So here are the secrets to Barney’s success :

  • Persistence :
  1. No matter what happens, if Barney wants something he will eventually get it. He might try and fail many many times, but eventually he will get it. He never quits and always keeps trying.
  • Enthusiastic and Extraordinary.
  1. To succeed he stops being Ordinary and becomes Legendary
  • Nothing is impossible
  • Be who you need to be to get the job done.
  1. As an Entrepreneur he realizes he has to wear multiple hats; to do different things and to get things done. This is what Barney does. To hookup with girls he has to convince them he is an Astronaut, A Doctor, a Pilot, a Novel Prize Winner, he is everything and everyone.
  • Right place, Right time
  1. Success is about being there at the right place and at the right time. This is another thing we learn from Barney. A trick that he uses to get girls to sleep with him is by going to the Empire State building, looking at random girls who are usually there to meet someone they have had a long distance relationship with or have never seen and waiting to meet for the first time and telling them that the person is Not coming. They become so sad, they cry, they get disappointed, and end up going home with Barney!!
  • Negotiation skills: Get the YES!
  1. Whenever you are trying to convince someone of something, start by finding the middle ground where you both agree on things, work your way from there, get them to agree with you. Get the YES! This is what Barney does.
  • The power of online reputation and Search engine optimization.
  1. Try to look up the Lorenzo Von Matterhorn trick and you will learn about SEO. Barney knows how to pick up a unique keyword, optimize for it, and succeed. BAM.
  • Sales techniques and channels
  1. Barney is an expert in sales and marketing and he has many channels. “BDSes: Bimbo delivery systems” that’s what he calls them. These are the channels Barney uses to pick up hot chicks. He and his channels use a wide variety of sales and marketing techniques ranging from Cold calling, to global TV commercials, to automated and human sales force working for him. The good part is, even when Barney is sleeping, these channels are working for him bringing him customers/ chicks.
  • Realize potential and Invest in it.
  • To Quote from The Yips episode.
  • Ted Mosby: You go to a gym, don’t you?
    Barney Stinson: I go to World Fitness, but I don’t go to work out.
    Ted Mosby: You don’t?
    Barney Stinson: No, I go to invest.
    Barney Stinson: [at the gym] There’s one of my investments. Hey, Sheila! Looking good!
    Ted Mosby: You invest in women?
    Barney Stinson: I invest in women who — How can I put this delicately? — They fat! I give them the attention they don’t get now, and when they get hot, who do they come to? The guy who gave them attention back when they weren’t.
    Ted Mosby: I don’t know if I should be disgusted or impressed.
  • Dress to impress. Suit up!
  • Did I miss any success tip ? Let me know what you think below?

