Shark Relay Development Update #1

Shark Relay
Shark Relay
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2018

Community and public beta updates…

Having recently made our public announcement, we wanted you, our readers and growing community, to know that the team at Shark Relay has been quietly watching and studying the blockchain space for some time now. We have been asking, “what does it take to meaningfully participate in the online movement towards greater freedoms, and the technologies supporting those freedoms now erupting in cyberspace?” Some are calling it the “cypherpunk movement”, or the “blockchain revolution” Others call it a “bubble”, a “cult”, or a “fad”. Whatever you call it, something is happening, and people worldwide are watching. More and more people are being drawn into such things as the advanced cryptography, decentralized applications, and other cutting edge programming, that supports participation in free and open-source decentralized marketplaces.

We don’t have the answers to all of these questions, but we do have a sense of the optimism and hopeful feelings that blockchain and the promise of greater autonomy inspires in millions of people. Keeping this in mind, we hope that most people will take hold of the opportunities to assume greater responsibility in exchange for expanding their freedoms. For instance, the opportunity to become your own bank by easily storing, transmitting, and trading in digital assets of any size, anywhere in the world, at a time of your choosing.

It was these ideals that inspired us at Shark Relay to build a trading platform that can provide the user the freedom to do all of these things. We wanted to make the user less dependent on centralized authorities and we found that we could contribute something with strong practical utility, using one of the underlying principles of blockchain technology: that being decentralization.

In providing the user greater autonomy, the Shark Relay trading platform is built to directly compete with centralized and other third party alternatives that actually take possession of your digital assets. In this way we play a part in eliminating the weakest link in the token trading ecosystem, namely what happens to your tokens held by these third party exchanges when they get hacked? Shark Relay provides a decentralized alternative that keeps control of trading in your hands, while giving you the same trading features you have come to rely on.

Any trader expects charts, market and limit order functionality, an order book, watchlist, and multiple base currencies to trade in, but this should be just the starting point. So we invite you to go to our newly released website where you can play around and see what all the buzz is about, and while we’re at it, let’s talk a little more about the website and dashboard, and also about some of the upgrades we are planning to the platform during our Beta cycle.

Website Details

When first entering the site you may wish to click on FAQ, where you can get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. And click on Getting Started in the top menu bar and follow important first steps in obtaining MetaMask and being able to trade on Shark Relay.

You can now access the Trading Dashboard and you will now be able to trade tokens using your MetaMask wallet manager. Please note that the trading dashboard will be available for Beta Kovan testing from March 1st, 2018.

Beta Period Details

Shark Relay will be using the month of March for testing of new functionality and we welcome and encourage the user community to take part in testing. Throughout Beta, Shark Relay will release new features like fee abstraction, WebSocket API, Ledger wallet integration and others. We expect Beta on Kovan Testnet to last about a month, with regular rollout of new features. At the conclusion of Beta, Shark Relay will evaluate scalability and other test findings based on community input and then release the Beta version of our application on Mainnet in April.

We are inviting you to take part and cannot stress enough how important you our Shark Relay community is to this effort. We look forward to your input on our Beta support channel.

Feel free to test the application features and pass on your feedback in these areas:

  • bugs encountered;
  • suggested changes to existing functionality;
  • additional functionality to be integrated;
  • observations as to overall feel and user experience.

Get started trading here:

Disclaimer: Do keep in mind that this is still a beta product in test mode on the Kovan network and as such is not meant as a finished product on Mainnet. Do not use Mainnet for testing purpose. Obtain test tokens here.



Shark Relay
Shark Relay

Shark Relay utilizes Øx Protocol to provide an user friendly interface to facilitate peer-to-peer token exchange via commonly used browser interfaces.