Underrated Reasons You Might Be Struggling to Attract Women

Do you make these common dating mistakes?

Seren Gael
7 min readOct 14, 2020
Photo by Elina Sazanova from Pexels.

You’re a young, straight man, looking for love. This should be the time of your life, right? So, what’s the problem?

Maybe women can’t see you as more than a friend. Perhaps they’re not receptive to chatting with you? Do they talk to you, but not seem interested in dating you or seeing you again? Or do they agree to a few dates, then lose interest?

You’re not alone. Look on the internet, and you’ll see countless communities dedicated to this problem. Some are helpful, some are downright toxic.

Instead of letting it get you down, focus on what you can do about it. I’m going to talk about simple, enjoyable changes you can make. They’ll boost your confidence and increase your chances at finding love.

Personal hygiene

This may seem obvious, but it’s surprising how many young men neglect this. I’ve seen so many women relating nightmare experiences on Reddit, it’s appalling. Did you know women are seeking advice on improving their boyfriends’ dirty butts? They’re complaining about bad breath and disgusting habits.

It’s time to become self-aware. Are you showering daily? Keeping your nails trimmed and clean? Do you…



Seren Gael

I’m an Aussie mother, carer, dog-lover and feminist. I write about feminism, humor, opinion pieces, and whatever else I feel like.