Why Men Hate Female Dating Strategy: It Works

And that’s good news for everyone

Seren Gael
Seren Gael


Photo by luizclas from Pexels

If you’ve ever visited Reddit, chances are you’ve heard of the sub, r/FemaleDatingStrategy. It’s been causing quite a stir among a lot of men for a while. So, what is Female Dating Strategy (FDS), and why are so many men angry about its existence?

FDS is a vetting system created by and for straight women. Women who call themselves ‘reformed Pickmeishas.’ A ‘Pickmeisha’ refers to women who bend over backwards to please a man, often to the detriment of her own identity. FDS encourages women to have more self-respect. To stop being men’s doormats. Most members have had troubling experiences in the past. FDS tells women they shouldn’t put up with mistreatment any more.

So, it’s shocking that the types of men FDS tries to vet hates it, right? So shocking. FDS teaches women to seek respectful men, who value women, aren’t abusive, and don’t sexually degrade them. FDS calls these men, ‘high-value men.’ ‘Low-value men’ are the opposite.

Men who find FDS offensive could choose not to read the sub. But, spoiler alert: they don’t. Because their terrible behaviour is being called out on a large scale. These men complain that FDS is a ‘man-hating sub.’ Although FDS praises good men all the time. The men who would like to see FDS shut down are…



Seren Gael
Seren Gael

I’m an Aussie mother, carer, dog-lover and feminist. I write about feminism, humor, opinion pieces, and whatever else I feel like.