Sharpe Analytics
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2018


This is not your average snapshot blog post! Despite working around the clock to release a number of new platform features, our new website and Android application, as well as, testing our HFT algorithms, we are delighted to announce another service fee payout. However, this month’s payout structure is slightly different, and here’s why:

  1. We didn’t pay service fees last month, i.e. on the 11th of September, covering the period 11th of August to the 10th of September.
  2. As mentioned in the last few posts, we are introducing average SHP staking
  3. As mentioned in the our Sharpe roadmap and previous blog posts, we are introducing quarterly payouts
  4. We replacing our current snapshot period (11th — 10th) with a traditional calendar month period.

What does the above mean for this month’s snapshot and snapshots going forward:

  1. We have taken a snapshot from the 10th — 31st August, and we have assigned a $7,000 service fee pool to this period. This snapshot will not cover a full month but rather only 20 days, which will only be for the sake of paying service fees for that period that was never accounted for. This snapshot period will be the first snapshot to use staked average of SHP.
  2. We have taken a snapshot from the 1st — 30th September and have assigned a $10,000 service fee pool to this snapshot period. This is the first calendar month snapshot to use staked average of SHP.
  3. We will generate a calendar month snapshot for July and August, using stake average. However, these snapshot periods will not have a service fee pool assigned to them, as July and August have been covered by previous payments and by the snapshot period explained in point one.
  4. We are going to use the previously explained September snapshot (1st — 30th) and July and August snapshots to generate a quarterly snapshot. This quarterly snapshot is purely based on calendar months with average staking. We have assigned a service fee pool of $15,000 to this quarterly snapshot period.
  5. Finally, we will only issue one payment this month which will include -

A) 10th — 31st August snapshot ($7K)
B) 1–30th September snapshot ($10K)
C) July, August, and September snapshot ($15K)

Total payment: $32,000

We appreciate that this may be slightly confusing, but going forward the payouts will be straight forward and issued on/around the 1st of the month.

We will continue to issue a monthly fixed pool of $10,000 USD (equivalent), and then every quarter there will be a discretionary payment based on our performance over that period.

In addition to the monthly and quarterly payouts, every Sharpe Centuri user with more than 500 SHP, will be entered into a Sharpe Centuri draw for the opportunity to win a share of 10,000 SHP.

Terminology recap:

SHP stake averaging: The average staking takes a time-weighted average of SHP held throughout the snapshot period, for all wallets linked to the Centuri account.

Snapshot, a summary of the Centuri prediction data between two dates. The snapshot details the overall performance (repuation scores, correct predictions) and the total amount to be paid out per user.

Talk to the Team

The best place to reach out to the Sharpe team is through Telegram, at Alternatively, please feel free to email us at

How Can I Buy SHP?

We recommend purchasing SHP using the Bancor Protocol, requiring just 5 clicks! SHP is also available through IDEX, Liquid and ForkDelta.


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Sharpe Analytics
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