Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2018


Sharpe has been riding the wave of new business, market volatility, growth in user base and team. However, like most developing businesses, Sharpe has outgrown its original structure, opening up a window of opportunity to redefine our brand identity. What does this new look mean for you as one of our trusted users or community members? Simply put:

A clearer picture of who Sharpe is, what we offer and why we’re motivated to do what we do.

We are exposed to streams of branded content every day, making it hard to truly understand why businesses are doing what they are doing, particularly in this industry. A number of businesses within the fintech and crypto space are seen as simply jumping on the ‘hype’ bandwagon. Therefore, we wanted to take this opportunity to clearly articulate why we’re passionate about what we do.

From the very beginning it was always interesting to us that financial markets are somewhat mystical to most people who don’t have the privilege to work in the industry, or be born in the right part of the world where these opportunities are in abundance. We wanted to make financial markets easier for people to understand, and reduce ‘the gap’ between institutions and the retail market. Through our Centuri product suite, collective wisdom, and tokenised economy, we’re proud to have created an environment in which anybody with a computer and Internet connection can learn about markets, and earn fair payment for their participation in our ecosystem. More than anything else, we’ve enjoyed the journey of developing a shared economy with our token holders and we look forward to growing together as we launch more products and features over the months and years ahead. Sharpe is, and always will be, a borderless, open and inclusive community, for people from all walks of life — baristas included!

We are known as Sharpe Capital to many, but this has changed, Sharpe Capital will now become just a subset of what we do. The Capital arm of the business boasts a strong collection of products, not only focusing on algorithmic trading and SCD (coming soon — stay tuned!), but also investments in equity markets and high frequency trading.

The image below gives a better understanding of how our business is structured and where Sharpe Capital, Ventures and Analytics, fit in into the bigger picture.

Our structure described

We now have three distinct identities covering everything we do. Each brand is uniquely different in terms of offering, vision and audience. Although distinctive in offering, all three arms contribute to our overall vision of creating an open and transparent ecosystem centred around financial markets intelligence, data analytics and investing.

Which brand is of interest to you?

Capital — Those interested in trading a variety of different asset classes, across both cryptocurrency markets and equities

Ventures — Young companies with a great team and growth plan, investing in and focussing on the adoption blockchain technology

Analytics — Financial institutions or individuals interested in real time predictive analytics, and how sentiment data can benefit and inform investment decisions

We pride ourselves on being…

  1. Democratised — The value is shared amongst everyone who adds value to the Sharpe tokenised economy
  2. Innovative — Perfect combination of human, finance and tech, resulting in rewards for all participants
  3. Insightful — Real humans, real data, real benefits

Find and connect with us here:

- New Website

Take a look at our new website, which pretty much sums up what we have discussed in this post. Let us know what you think.

Hope you like what you see!

Talk to the Team

The best place to reach out to the Sharpe team is through Telegram, at Alternatively, please feel free to email us at

Get Sharpe Centuri

You can use the Centuri alpha at

How Can I Buy SHP?

We recommend purchasing SHP using the Bancor Protocol, requiring just 5 clicks! SHP is also available through IDEX, ForkDelta and Liquid.


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Transforming traditional market intelligence into a democratic, incentive based ecosystem.