Take a better nap with this iPhone shortcut

Eric Yates
Sharpen Your Attention
2 min readApr 30, 2021

TL;DR: Download the shortcut here and add it to your home screen

There is a simple art to napping:

  1. Nap for the right amount of time
  2. Protect yourself from any interruption

Most adults do best with about 20 minute or 90 minute naps. These times align with the science of sleep cycles.

Smartphones also always seem to go BEEP BOOP LOOK AT ME right when you first fall asleep during your nap.

Thankfully, you can use your smartphone to enforce the time limit and stop it from beeping at you.

You can use your iPhone to take a better nap

I created a Naptime shortcut on iPhone that does both of these things.

When you run the shortcut, it does a few things:

  1. Asks you how many minutes you want to nap
  2. Starts a timer for that many minutes
  3. Turns Do Not Disturb on for that many minutes
  4. Timer goes off and Do Not Disturb mode automatically turns off

Sure, you could manually start a timer and turn on Do Not Disturb.

And that’s two things to do instead of one. Which means you’re less likely to do it.

And you have to remember to turn off Do Not Disturb when you wake up. Otherwise that important message from your boss may be missed.

I prefer to just use a shortcut.

Set up the shortcut on your iPhone

You can download the shortcut from this link. Note that you should open the link on your iPhone so it can work properly.

Once downloaded, add it to your home screen by doing:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app and go to My Gallery
  2. Look for the shortcut called Naptime
  3. Click on the three dots in its upper-right corner
  4. Click the three dots in the upper-right corner of the new screen
  5. Tap Add to Home Screen

And then all you do is tap it to get a well-timed, notification free nap.

Be like this adorable puppy



Eric Yates
Sharpen Your Attention

I help digital workers form healthy habits with their tech