Why Jack Dorsey Is The Most Powerful Man In The Planet

The Twitter man that sparked a political revolution.

Derick David



The true predictor of people’s destiny isn’t the government anymore, but it’s corporations like Twitter, Facebook, and Apple. They control everything.

Behind all the current world events happening before our very eyes lies a revolution bigger than most people could imagine.

A political and technological revolution.

Back in the 1700s, we were playing with rocks, hunting animals, and building wooden houses. Today, we’re still playing, hunting, and building, but using our smartphones.

Technology isn’t the “other thing” anymore, as it nows embodies every aspect of an ever-changing society.

Technology is now us.

As technology evolves, it becomes more powerful than ever. And the ones who are behind this technology will become the new kings and queens of the valley of the world.

Naval Ravikant once said,

The most powerful people in the world are the ones writing the algorithm of Twitter and…



Derick David

1M+ views. Seen at Forbes. 10x Top Writer in Technology, Innovation, and Design. https://twitter.com/jeazous