Agenda: Community Engagement Committee Meeting on 15 September 2020

Full agenda for a meeting of the Community Engagement Committee on 15 September 2020.

Laura Gibbs
Shavington Online
4 min readSep 12, 2020


Download a copy of the meeting agenda by clicking here.

Meeting Details

Day/Date: Tuesday 15 September 2020

Time: 7.30 pm

Meeting to be held remotely, via video-link

Platform: Zoom

Access: Please click on the link below to join



Members to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI), non-pecuniary interest or prejudicial interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda, the nature of that interest, and in respect of disclosable or prejudicial interests, to leave the meeting prior to the discussion of that item.

The non-Parish Council Member is invited to declare any potential conflict of interest.

3 MINUTES — 11 AUGUST 2020


To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 11 August 2020.

3.2 Matters Arising not detailed elsewhere on the agenda

  • Laptop for Community Manager

To report that arrangements are being made for a laptop to be purchased for Tim Dobson, the Community Manager, who commenced employment on 7 September 2020.


To review arrangements for the following events, particularly in view of the recent measures introduced by the Government in respect of Covid-19.

4.1 Remembrance Sunday — 8 November 2020

At the last meeting, it was suggested that a flyer be distributed to each household in the parish once arrangements had been firmed up. The Committee is asked to consider if such a flyer should be prepared at this time.

(a) Use of Shavington Primary School. The Learning for Life Partnership has reported that it cannot make any part of the school available for the Remembrance Sunday event.

(b) The Rev. Andrew Taylor is not able to take part in the service.

(c) The Rev. Denise Harding has declined to attend this meeting. She will contact the Parish Council when she has had the opportunity to discuss this matter with her colleagues.

(d) It was agreed at the Parish Council meeting (2 September 2020) that a flyer should be distributed to each household in the parish during October 2020 to inform residents of the arrangements for Remembrance Sunday.

(e) It was also agreed that the arrangements be publicised in the Village Voice, but this will depend on the timing of the next issue.

The Committee is asked to set up a Task Group to consider the detailed arrangements. This was arranged in 2019. A copy of the detailed arrangements in 2019 is enclosed and may serve as a helpful basis for the Task Group’s discussion.

4.2 Carols at Christmas — 20 December 2020

Although this item was listed on the Parish Council agenda for 2 September 2020, no decision was taken. The Committee is asked to consider what arrangements should be made.

For ease of reference, the agenda item on 2 September 2020 was as follows:

The Communications Committee is exploring the possibility of changing the venue for ‘Carols at Christmas’, to the church field opposite to St Mark’s Church. Reverend Rachael Griffiths has agreed to this proposal but has stated that there must be a Covid19 risk assessment carried out, taking into account the prevailing government guidance at that time.

She has also mentioned congregation singing. The current guidance is that small groups of singers (professional or non-professional) are able to sing (indoors or outdoors) from 15 August 2020 but there should be no audience participation.

The Committee suggested that a 20ft high Christmas tree be purchased. The Clerk has contacted a local supplier for a quotation, and this will be in the region of £500.

The Committee is asked to consider arrangements for this event, including the possibility of cancelling it.

  • Purchase of a Christmas tree at £500. This would need to be approved by the Parish Council as there is no budget provision for this.
  • Venue
  • Music, given the restrictions.
  • Christmas lights for tree, if purchased, and provision of a generator.


This was referenced at the last meeting, and also at the Council meeting on 2 September 2020, but no decision has yet been taken about the date of issue for the next newsletter, the contents, and its compilation.

Members are asked to consider if there should be any specific items included in the next newsletter, other than the regular items and a Covid-19 update.

The Leaflet Team has confirmed that it has re-commenced deliveries.

6 NEW WEBSITE and WEBSITE ACCESSIBILITY (Public Sector Bodies (Website and Mobile Applications) (№2) Accessibility Regulations 2018)

The deadline date for compliance with the Regulations is 23 September 2020, and Brave Little Tank, which is creating the new website, will be able to confirm that the design will be compliant with the regulations.

After the 23 September 2020, the Parish Council will be required to publish a website accessibility statement setting out that it is fully compliant, but if not, where it is only partially compliant, and to list the non-compliances.

Enforcement is through the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

7 BUDGET 2021–2022

The Committee is asked to suggest items for inclusion in the budget for 2021–22.

At the last Committee meeting, Members declined to make suggestions in the absence of a budget monitoring report. This was submitted to the September meeting of the Council, and a further copy is enclosed for ease of reference.

The budget for the current year is as follows: Visit the full agenda link at the top of the page for further information


As agreed by the Parish Council, Committee meetings will be arranged ad hoc when there are decisions to be taken.



Laura Gibbs
Shavington Online

Parliamentary Assistant at UK Parliament \ Founder Gibbs & Morris\ @IgniteAccel & @Dotforge alumni \ Coordinator for Shavington Online \ Love #community