Agenda: Parish Council Meeting on 23 July 2020

Full agenda for the full Parish Council meeting being held remotely on 23 July 2020 (adjourned from 15 July 2020)

Laura Gibbs
Shavington Online
6 min readJul 18, 2020


Download a copy of the meeting agenda by clicking here. [link coming soon]

Meeting Details

Day/Date: Thursday 23 July 2020

Time: 7.30 pm

Meeting to be held remotely, via video-link

Platform: Zoom

Access: Please click on the link below to join

Please do not attempt to join the meeting before 7.25 pm as the meeting host may not have opened the meeting.

Notes for members of the public

  1. This meeting is being held remotely in accordance with regulations made under S.78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020. There are, therefore, no paper copies of the agenda or the accompanying documents.
  2. All documents (other than those which are restricted) can be accessed from the Parish Council’s website —

1. Apologies

2. Declaration of Interests

Members to declare any a) disclosable pecuniary interest; b) personal interest; or c) prejudicial interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda, the nature of that interest, and in respect of disclosable interests and prejudicial interests, to withdraw from the meeting prior to the discussion of that item.

In these circumstances, the Chairman will control the ‘presence’ of the appropriate Member and give him/her a time slot at which he/she can re-join the meeting.

Members are referred to the Code of Conduct for guidance (issued with the agenda papers for Annual Council on 8 May 2019 and adopted at that meeting).

Whilst the Clerk can advise on the Code of Conduct and its interpretation, the decision to declare, or not, is the responsibility of the Parish Councillor, based on the circumstances.

3. Public Question Time

Members of the public are able to ask questions under the Parish Council’s Standing Orders.

4. Exclusion of Press and Public

The Council is invited to RESOLVE that in accordance with Paragraph 1 (2) of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items owing to the confidential nature of the business to transacted and the public interest would not be served in disclosing that information.

5. Land Assessment — Availability of land for recreational purposes

To consider the report of Meller Speakman following its assessment of land availability in the parish and to decide if action should be taken in respect of the recommendations.

Kate McClean — Director of Planning and Development at Meller Speakman, will be in attendance for discussion of this item.

6. Re-admittance of Press and Public

The Parish Council is asked to re-admit the press and public to the meeting.

7. Annual Accounts — 2019–2020 (Documents previously issued with the agenda for 15 July 2020)

For ease of reference, the following is a list of all the documents to be considered as part of the accounts for 2019–1010.

  • Internal Auditor’s Report (with annotations by the Clerk).
  • Annual Governance and Accountability Review (AGAR)
  • Full expenditure ledger for the main Parish Council account.
  • Full ledger for the Village Hall account showing expenditure and receipts.
  • Summary Receipts & Payments statement for main Parish Council account.
  • Summary Receipts & Payments statement for Village Hall account.
  • Clerk’s investigation into current value of fixed assets.
  • Revised Fixed Assets List.

7.1 Internal Audit — JDH Business Services Ltd

The accounts have now been audited by the Internal Auditor and his report is enclosed. The Parish Council is invited to give responses to the points raised. The schedule has been annotated to include the Clerk’s comments on the various recommendations.

On the basis of the internal audit work carried out, the Internal Auditor’s view is that the Council’s system of internal controls is inadequate and ineffective for the purpose intended and the Council, therefore, does NOT have a system in place. The recommendations in the action plan need to be implemented promptly. Key points which will need to be addressed are:

  • Ensure that Regulation 15 of the Account and Audit Regulations 2015 is adhered to by publishing the exercise of public rights by the deadline dates.
  • Ensure that a photograph of the notice, as displayed in a notice-board, is taken and retained as evidence for the audit of the accounts in 2020–2021.
  • Review where Councillors have undertaken roles in Village Hall administration committing the Council to expenditure.
  • Re-establish internal controls over hall hire and ensure that all documentation can be made available for audit purposes.
  • Set up a Task Group tor review the fixed assets register.
  • The Clerk to ensure that she resolves the issue of the VAT incurred on the refurbishment at the Village Hall.
  • Ensure that budgetary control is improved during 2020–21.
  • Re-investigate the shortfall of £315 in the Village Hall accounts, as identified during the 2018–19 audit.

It should be noted that many of the criticisms are a result of inadequate resourcing and the Parish Council will need to address this to avoid similar issues arising during the financial year 2020–2021.

7.2 Review of the Effectiveness of Internal Audit

The Parish Council is asked to review the effectiveness of the internal audit process using page 1 of the Internal Auditor’s report as the checklist against which the process should be judged.

The Internal Auditor’s report shows that a robust audit has been carried out and the Parish Council is recommended to accept that the audit has been effective, and all requirements have been met.

7.3 Annual Governance and Accountability Review (AGAR) — Part 3

The Annual Governance and Accountability Review document is enclosed. The order in which the sections of the AGAR are to be approved is specific and must be considered in the following order. Although not applicable for this meeting, local councils are able to approve Section 1 at one meeting, and Section 2 at a separate meeting.

Despite the new arrangements under the Coronavirus Act 2020, there is still a requirement for a wet signature on the AGAR. When the AGAR has been approved, it can be posted to the Chairman for signature and return to the Clerk.

7.4 Section 1 — Annual Governance Statement — 2019–2020

The Parish Council is asked to give specific consideration to points 1–9 as it is the Council’s responsibility to ensure that there is a sound system of internal control, including arrangements for the preparation of the accounting statements.

In view of the Internal Auditor’s observations, the Parish Council is recommended to acknowledge these by ticking ‘No’ to Points 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7.

7.5 Section 2 — Accounting Statement 2019–2020

The Parish Council is asked to approve Section 2 — Accounting Statement 2019–2020 for submission to PKF Littlejohn LLP, external auditor.

7.6 Review of Fixed Assets List

As part of the audit, the Clerk was required to carry out an investigation into the history of the value of the fixed assets list. The Clerk’s report, together with a revised list is enclosed. The Parish Council is asked to approve the current value of the fixed assets, subject to any amendments to be made at the meeting.

7.7 Exclusion of Press and Public

(Reason for exclusion: The Receipts Statement for the Village Hall account identifies clients by name and has been withheld from public circulation and deposit.)

The Council is invited to RESOLVE that in accordance with Paragraph 1 (2) of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the Village Hall Receipts statement only, owing to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted and the public interest would not be served in disclosing that information.

7.8 Full ledger for Each Account

To receive a copy of the full ledger for the two accounts (1) Parish Council main account; and (2) Village Hall account.

Members are reminded that owing to a reduction in income for the Village Hall, the only expenditure since May 2019 has been the monthly direct debit to Water Plus and British Gas.

7.9 Re-admittance of Press and Public

The Council is asked to re-admit the press and public to the meeting.

7.10 Summary Receipts and Payments Statement — 2019–2020

A summary receipts and payments statement for the Parish Council’s main account is enclosed.

8. Re-opening of Vine Tree Play Area

To consider and approve a draft risk assessment, prepared by Councillor Matt Ferguson, to enable Vine Tree Play Area to be opened at the earliest opportunity.



Laura Gibbs
Shavington Online

Parliamentary Assistant at UK Parliament \ Founder Gibbs & Morris\ @IgniteAccel & @Dotforge alumni \ Coordinator for Shavington Online \ Love #community