Annual Report 2015–2016

Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council

Benjamin Gibbs
Shavington Online
7 min readMay 23, 2017


This report was written by the Clerk to the Council circa April 2016

Clerk: Carol Jones, Tel: 01270 812065

Chairman: Peter Yoxall. Tel: 01270 664497

Chairman’s Report

I start off by thanking my fellow parish councillors for having re-elected me as Chairman in May 2015. My term of office comes to an end on 4 May 2016 and I offer good wishes to my successor.

I also take this opportunity to thank Gillian McIntyre who has been of great support to me during the year as Vice-Chairman.

New Clerk

We were sorry to lose Chris Moulton as Clerk in September 2015. He was promoted to Town Clerk at another authority and was, therefore, unable to continue in his role. Carol Jones took over as Clerk on 1 September 201


The Parish Council manages the allotments site on Gresty Lane.

These are operated on a break-even basis in that each allotment-holder pays a fee for their plot, but the Council’s maintenance of the site as a whole approximates to the rent received.

There is a place on the Council’s Environment Committee for an allotment holder to represent the interests of all plot-holders. The Committee meets approximately four times a year and any of the plotholders are able to apply. Please contact the Clerk.

Best Kept Gardens Competition

The Parish Council has decided that the Best Kept Gardens competition should be changed from annual to biennial; so, for 2016 there will be no competition, but in its place, we are going to offer a prize for the best-dressed house at Christmas.

The details have yet to be decided, but we will announce these in the Village Voice later in the year.


This report is but one means of communicating with residents. We communicate via notice-boards, the website, Village Voice, and at Parish Council meetings.

We encourage residents to attend our meetings, either to observe for the whole of the meeting, or to raise a question, or address the Parish Council during the Public Question Time slot.

We are now committed, during 2016–2017 to introducing a new Communications Policy which will enhance our current method of communicating with residents to embrace social media which has grown in recent years and is often the main communication tool used by residents of all ages, but particularly younger people.


The website contains agendas, financial and other reports, newsletters, Freedom of Information Publication Scheme etc.

We welcome feedback and if you feel that the website is not providing the type of information you require, please get in touch.

Elections — 7 May 2015

All 12 seats were filled at the elections on 7 May 2015. Since then, one councillor has resigned (Bob Melling) and at the time of publication of this report, we are hoping to co-opt to the vacancy at the Annual Meeting to be held on 4 May.

The co-optee will represent the Village Ward of the parish


The Council operates a grants scheme. Generally, grants can be made to help local voluntary and community groups. A total of £1,000 has been allocated for the forward year.

Application forms can be requested from the Clerk, or downloaded from the Parish Council’s website.

Cheshire East Council

Our partnership with the Cheshire East Borough Councillors continues with Councillor Steven Edgar attending each Parish Council meeting and challenging on our behalf, where appropriate, planning applications for large-scale development.

Neighbourhood Plan

Late last year, the Council agreed that it will embark on the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan. We have now set up a Steering Group which has commenced work on the project. The Steering Group will report progress to the monthly Parish Council meetings.

We had a very successful first meeting of the Steering Group on 16 March 2016 when, in addition to four parish councillors, eight residents were co-opted.

Bill Atteridge, a frequent attender at Parish Council meetings, was elected Chairman, with Councillor Benjamin Gibbs being elected Vice-Chairman.

In addition, there are a number of residents who have expressed interest in helping ‘behind the scenes’ with particular aspects of the Plan according to their experience and expertise.

This will be an important project for us over the next two years and we will aim to engage all of our community in its preparation. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the Clerk.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood Plan is drawn up by the community (in this case led by the Parish Council) and sets out a shared vision to shape the future growth and development of the local area. It is part of the statutory development plan (Local Plan) and must be used by Cheshire East Council when determining planning applications.

The Plan cannot be used to stop development, but it can be used to allow people a say in where they would prefer to see development.

Meetings of the Parish Council

We welcome members of the public to our meetings and particularly to the Annual Parish Meeting which is for local residents (who are registered electors) to discuss parish affairs. Resolutions may be passed at this meeting and the Parish Council is obliged to consider these at its next meeting but not, necessarily, to accept the proposals.

Meetings are held in the Village Hall on the first Wednesday of each month, commencing at 7.15 pm. Residents are always welcome.

At its annual meeting to be held on 4 May 2016, the Council will be asked to approve a calendar of meetings for what is known as the ‘municipal year’ (i.e. from May 2016 to April 2017 inclusive). Proposed dates are as follows:

  • 1 June
  • 6 July
  • 3 August
  • 7 September
  • 5 October
  • 2 November
  • 7 December
  • 4 January 2017
  • 1 February
  • 1 March
  • 5 April
  • 3 May (Annual meetings)

Parish Council

The Parish Council has several notice-boards (1) outside the Village Hall; (2) outside the Co-op Store; (3) Dodds Bank, adjacent to NISA; (4) outside the Cheshire Cheese Public House; and (5) Fuller Drive (adjacent to the New Life Church).

Agendas are placed on the notice-boards at least three clear days before each meeting. These are also uploaded onto the website which is

If you do not have access to the Internet and would like a copy of any information, please contact the Clerk.


One of the main consultative roles of parish councils, and of great importance, is to comment on local planning applications which may have a positive or detrimental impact on the community.

The broad aim of the Parish Council, in terms of planning is to keep the area a pleasant place to live, avoiding inappropriate development. We have seen many large-scale developments in the last few years and we hope that the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan will enable us to influence how decisions are taken in future by Cheshire East Council as the local planning authority.


Although crime is relatively low in the parish, the Parish Council makes a financial contribution to the cost of two PCSOs who spend time in the parish. The contract is due for renewal after the elections on 5 May 2016.

If you see something out of place, you can either telephone the emergency line (999) if it is a genuine emergency, or telephone 101.

Village Hall

The Council’s thanks go to Councillors Vivien Adams and Bill McIntyre who, through their unstinting efforts and availability at all times, ensure that the village hall continues to be a success.

It is well-used by all sectors of the community and operates at a very competitive rate of £9.50 per hour. Visit the website for more information.

If you wish to make a booking you can e-mail or telephone 01270 650469.


At its meeting held on 5 January 2016, the Parish Council agreed its budget for the new financial year commencing 1 April 2016. This required a precept from Cheshire East Council (CEC) of £85,000. This is higher than last year (£50,000) and represents £50.73 per Band D property.

The Parish Council agrees that this is necessary to maintain the current services and will also enable vital work to be carried out at the village hall (toilets to be upgraded for disability access, replacement of the suspended ceiling and internal re-decoration).

The following are the key areas of spend for 2016/2017, but the detailed budget is available as an appendix to the Council’s minutes of 6 January 2016 available on the website.

  • Clerk’s gross salary: £12,887
  • NI contributions/payroll service: £800
  • Administration: £1,100
  • Amenities: £650
  • Best Kept Gardens competition: £400
  • Insurance/Audit: £4,700
  • Grants: £1000
  • Grounds maintenance: £10,600
  • Members’ expenses: £700
  • Miscellaneous: £1,125
  • Police Community Support Officers (two): 15,750
  • Planning — Development of Neighbourhood Plan: £10,000
  • Planning — Planning consultant: £1,000
  • Village Hall — disabled toilets project: £30,000
  • Village Hall — interior maintenance: £5,000
  • Village Hall — cleaning: £4,000
  • Village Hall — window cleaning: £600
  • Village Hall — sundry supplies: £450
  • Village Hall — gas and electric: £3,700
  • Village Hall — United Utilities: £3,400
  • Village Hall — Industrial waste collection: £1,100
  • Website re-branding: £4,000
  • Website support and hosting: £700
  • Speed Watch scheme (purchase of vehicle-speed display unit): £3,000
  • Unallocated reserves: £10,000



Benjamin Gibbs
Shavington Online

Chairman of Shavington-cum-Gresty Parish Council | Developer using #dotnet #orleans #xamarin #angular | Part of @IgniteAccel & @Dotforge family