ReleaseMyAd As Your Partner For Booking Classifieds Ads Online

Monu Shaw
Shaw 101 Ways
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2020

It is never enough to advertise widely if one cannot advertise effectively. For every startup, where the key to survival is gaining traction and growth, marketing plays a crucial role. Initial traction for consumer startups gets driven by digital marketing, as it’s performance-driven and measurable. Having gained the initial base and equipped with a round of funding, startups often turn to mass-media advertising across newspapers, TV, and radio for growing reach. Mass media, however, comes with its own set of challenges, be it being expensive, hard to target or not being all that data-friendly.

Given the fact that mass-media advertising is expensive, it is imperative to understand key customer segments. For example, your startup may be looking to target all internet-savvy individuals in India, between 18 and 34 years of age. This is important as each segment behaves differently, with regards to its media consumption.

How does one decide among more than 150 newspapers, 200 TV Channels and 15 radio stations? Traditionally, the media industry has offered third-party reporting, unique to each media — such as ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation) for newspapers, TAM (Television Audience Measurement) for television, and RAM (Radio Audience Measurement) for radio.

There surely has been a need to bring in ‘structure of the internet’ into print media industry, and that’s exactly where ReleaseMyAd — an online venue to book print classified ad has chipped in.

At releaseMyAd, we often treat media planning and buying akin to picking financial stocks. It is important to recognize and leverage cost-effective new-media options while the opportunity window remains open. Newspaper jacket advertising, for example, was an innovation that got championed early-on by the e-commerce giants and is now considered a standard in any impact-heavy plan and offered as a premium.

The key exists in leveraging an innovation when its novel and underpriced to drive value. For example we currently suggest many startups to consider using a newspaper ad — a full-page ad which clearly juts out (by 3 cm) from the paper and therefore catches the eye, costing a tenth of the money spent on a traditional jacket ad. Integrating advertising with content across media is also important.

