Shaw University
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2014


My first year at Shaw University has taught me things I will never forget. Becoming a Shaw student will make you realize opportunities are given and she be embraced. I am very different from the rest of the people around; I have yet to meet someone who’s from the beach area. Although I miss home very much, I’m getting into new experiences that kind of remind me of home. I am glad I have the chance to continue my Track career at Shaw University. This will help me become even better in the sport, just from learning from college coaches who get paid to do so. I feel like all this was meant to happen, and I’m going to definitely take advantage of my success.

A Shaw student is someone who embraces their situation. Shaw students are giving opportunities like no other, for I have heard stories. A senior from Shaw University came and talked to us underclassmen one evening. He explained how he had a 1.7 GPA coming out of his high school, and wasn’t getting accepted to any colleges. Till one day he accidentally stumbled onto a HBCU college convention, and was hesitant to applying to either St. Augustine or Shaw University. The academic adviser at the post eventually persuaded him, quoted words “I got you”. I knew he felt strong about his accomplishments just by his tone of voice, and facial expressions. Ever since then he has worked diligently, for no other college gave him a chance for that opportunity.


This assignment really forces me to learn things about myself. All these pictures relate back to me, and how I look at the world. I’ve always been the one to not be basic, disregarding any negative comments. This is not anyone’s life to live but mine. These paragraphs have forced me to really think about how I react to certain topics. I realized from me just searching for a picture, it opened my mind on how I would react to it. If it was a historic picture I would research it, causing me to gain more knowledge just from a simple picture. The saying is “A picture is a thousand words” really gave in affect with this assignment.

It’s the little things that I miss from back home. I miss being close by the beach, so I could easily go out and walk along it for hours. That Mr. Frosty’s ice cream shop always gave me an extra boost after school every day. Going to the park every Sunday, therefore I could just to hoop with the boys. My goats and farm was definitely a delight back home. I had about six goats, three of them just babies. My favorite was name Oreo, cute but ugly at the same time. I don’t know why, but it’s just the little things that make me home sick. Walking downtown really reminds me of home though. Especially at night, it was always an event going on downtown, which is the same in Raleigh.

Shaw University gave me the opportunity to pursue my passion for Track. Like for my sport track, I don’t like all the attention I rather be humble. Many people in my classes don’t even know I run track, for when it’s time for them to know they will know. I have never boasted about any of my accomplishments, I like to surprise people. My freshman year of high school everyone Always told me that I would be a “track star”, and it sometimes made me get big headed. One day I was running and was being a show off running backwards through the finish lines and trip and hurt my ankle. I was out for 3 weeks, missed half of the meets. When I realized that may have been karma for being cocky, I humbled myself. Now I just run track for me, to know that I’m doing what I love. I don’t need people to know I’m good, just know I do this because it’s my passion.

I believe everything happens for a reason, therefore I regret nothing I have been through. Learning lessons is the way of life in my opinion. I had a situation dealing with karma many times before in my life. I know you shouldn’t say everything is karma, but I have a superstition based on it and it keeps me moving forward. I always know I could have gone to another college, but then I realize Shaw will give me the same education just in a different environment. This surrounding is actually better, for the classes are smaller, giving the teacher a better chance of helping the student.

All this has really opened my eyes, for life is not fair, but got to make the most out of it. I’m at the point where it’s time to grow up. So I can’t complaint about the little things that get in the way. The seniors at Shaw University really motivate me, they always give me advice on how to prolong Shaw’s situation. I respect that, and the fact that the teachers are really into helping the students. My choice of coming here may have been the best decision in my life.



Shaw University

919 #CollegeAthlete Im from Jamaica, I might even be a imigrant... IG: Justcheatham