My Shaw Experience

A Shaw student is one that endure. A Shaw student gets their work done while at the same time they can have fun .Shaw students look for a better future no matter how hard the homework is. We are bears for a reason. We strive for the best no matter the difficulties. We do our work to the best of our abilities and we turn it in for a grade we deserve let me tell you my experience. My experience at Shaw can be summarized through examining what my weekly schedule looks like.

I wake up at eight in the morning to get ready for my nine o clock English class, were working on a paper and I’m on time for class just to learn and get my work done and have no worries. Then I’m able to party, have fun, and relax at ten pm till i drop. But knowing the next day I have to wake up all over again at eight in the morning, but its Tuesday tomorrow. Monday night I reset the clock to a different time because I have lab in the morning, so I reset my clock to seven in the morning rather than eight this time. A couple hours later I hear a buzzing it’s my alarm going off, it’s Tuesday.

My first class is at eight and as I’m walking to class I see nothing or nobody outside I feel as if I’m the only one up and going to class but I get to my class room and I see my wonderful peers. Today were doing an experiment and like any other student I’m happy were doing something fun because were in this class for 3 hours. So as we conduct the experiment I’m having fun but time flies and it’s time to go so I get my things and get ready to go to my dorm for the rest of the day cause it’s my only class on Tuesday. As I walk to my dorm I hear music, Shaw is having an activity for the student’s and it so happens that there’s a dj on the yard and I smell a smell that smells like the grill. First thing that comes to my head is for lunch grilled hotdogs and hamburgers how better can this day get. So I get me a plate and eat it inside my dorm, soon as I’m done I get to my work. Today was so fun I think I’m going to turn in early so I reset my alarm at eight and go to sleep for an early morning.

There’s that buzzing sound again time to get ready for today’s Classes. So I get ready to leave my dorm and go to the writing center which has been very helpful to me when I’m writing a paper and other subjects. Now it’s nine fifty and its time to go to my next class at ten which is principles of biology. This class is challenging to me but it’s my major so I try my hardest to do what I need to too past the class. Soon as I’m done with biology I walk to my next class which is math. My math teacher talks a lot about life rather than math I think but I’m still learning as he talks off subject for the period of time. Soon as his class is over I go to concert band to uphold my band scholarship. My band teacher locks the door to his class and his class is on the other side of the bridge so I’m walking pretty fast to be on time, and I make it just before hey locks the door I’m so lucky to have made it.

As soon as I’m done with band I have an hour to myself so I think I’m going to the cafeteria to eat. As I arrive at the cafeteria I see it’s full of people and I’m trying to find my friends so I can sit with them and eat. I find my friend in the pizza line and we convers for a while as we waiting for our food to be done and handed to us. We get our food have a seat and we start eating. I’m thinking, boy this some greasy pizza but I eat it anyway. My hour passes and I find myself walking to my computer class. Which is the last class of the day and my teacher says assignment is on moodle get the work done for tomorrow class and sign in then you may leave, so I do just that signed in and left my last class of the very tired and I gotten lots of work to do so I get it done before starting the day all over again because I want to remain a Shaw student.

Buzz Buzz Buzz there goes the alarm again for another day of work I get up to do the same thing all over routine is the same every day with a little excitement add every now and then. Shaw has been great to me and I’m maturing at this school. I don’t regret coming here at all it I is truly a blessing to be a Shaw student. I am a bear for a reason.

