My Shaw University Experience

Deja Latham
Shaw University
Published in
5 min readDec 1, 2014


Deja Latham

Shaw University is one of the best known HBCU’s in North Carolina. Being at Shaw University made me realize that I am here for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to receive a great education. Shaw University is helping me achieve my goals and chase my dreams. The most significant thing about my first year at Shaw University is when I was informed of the outstanding history that Shaw University has to offer. Shaw University has so many historic sites that are absolutely amazing. Shaw University is known to be the first African American college in the South. It was founded by a Caucasian male named Henry Martin Tupper. He has built this school to teach former slaves how to read and write. He believed in people like us to achieve in life and that is why he made this school so that we can be an educated group of people. I have taken several pictures at Shaw University that reminds me of certain that I have had, and I would love to relive those memories over again.

This is the first picture I have taken at Shaw University. It shows my friend Day Day and I when we first met. She was my first friend that I have met at Shaw University. It was taken near the bookstore on Shaw University campus. This picture was taken on August 7, 2014 at 8:02 p.m. I remember this night like it was yesterday. It was extremely hot; we could hardly stand the heat. It felt like it was unbearable for Day Day and me. Day Day and I were walking near the bookstore meeting new people. We were bored at the moment so I decided to show all of my former high school friends that are on a social media site how I was doing in school so that’s when I decided to take a picture with Day Day and put it on Instagram. The people surrounding us were chilling having fun and talking to each other. The mood surrounding us was tension between our friends. However, Day Day and I were chilling and having fun, but we could definitely feel the tension between our two friends. This picture has a lot of meaning to me. The reason being is that, this picture shows my first day at Shaw University and also how I met my

first friend Day Day, at Shaw University.

The second picture that I have taken was of me playing pool at the bears den. This photo was taken on September 30, 2014 at the bears den at Shaw University. You could hear people talking, gossiping and just having a good time relaxing the bears den is a place where students come and relax, they come to get there mind off their school for a brief period of time. My friends and I were relaxing after a long day of studying and going to class and we have decided to go to the bears den to play pool. When we got there a lot of our peers was there already having a good time. One of my current friends mad a bet with me that they bet me that I could not beat them at pool. So, I took the bet and had fun. I ended up losing at the end of the day, but I took the time to get away from my school work and relax.

I took this picture the second day I have arrived at Shaw University. It shows the beautiful landscape of bushes that spells out Shaw U. The thing that was going through my mind when I took this picture was that I knew I was growing up. I knew that I finally made it out of high school and that I am about to start on my dream career. This was the day that I realized that I was turning into a grown and mature young lady.

This picture was taken at a club called Astro Mundo in Raleigh, North Carolina. I was with my current roommate and some other friends when we went there. We had a fantastic time. You could see the strobing lights in the club bounce of the furniture and the floors. You could hear the music blasting from the speaker. It was a great experience going to this club. This picture basically shows me going out to the club for the first time enjoying college life. When I went there I felt like I had so much freedom like I could make my own decisions. Since I am not living under my mother’s roof, I now know that I have to start making my own decision and think for myself. For now on I am going to follow my own path and not everyone else’s.

This last picture of course shows the day that I have graduated from Hoke County High School in Raeford, North Carolina. On this day I felt overjoyed that I was finally graduating high school with a 3.87 GPA average. This was the day that I knew I had to grow up and take up for my responsibilities. It was the day that I was prepared to come to Shaw University and start on my career. This was also the time that I was completely scared to grow up. I was raised by my mother and father and they have always taken care of me, and the thought of me going off into the world on my own is quite scary.

In conclusion, I am a Shaw student. Shaw University at times reminds me of home and at times it does not. Shaw University is a beautiful campus with many amazing histories behind it. I hope that it will continue to be an amazing university that I am proud to attend. And I know that this is my Shaw University.

