What is significant about your first year at Shaw and why? What have you learned about yourself and how was your understanding of the wider world depend?

What really made my first year at Shaw was having a really great support system. Being able to learn about myself as a person. Shaw has really helped me learn a lot about the real world and how to survive in it. Honestly i don’t know where i would be if I didn't get accepted into Shaw University or any college for that matter?

My teachers play a big part because in high school; the teachers seemed to not care very much. When I finally got to college and got the full experience and saw how the teachers was in the classroom made me very happy because they seemed like very good caring people. I was a little nervous because it was a new environment for me and all I could think about is “ the teachers here are going to be the same.”

I’ve learned that school really does play an important role in my life. I mean I see people who dropped out of school and never went back because it was to hard an they just decided to give up. I’m kind of happy I went to school because I learned i can do anything i put my mind too. When I was little I always wanted to be a nurse or psychologist and people would always tell me it’s to much work; but when i got to shaw I forgot about what they said and decided to make it my major.

Seeing that I had people care about my future made me want to strive for my success more. I’ve never really had that kind of support care about me that much other than my family so that really helped me focus on my school more than just thinking about what’s not important.