Introducing the She Almighty Collective

Mikaela Jackson
She Almighty
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2021

As a coach, having been on my own personal development journey and having worked with countless women on their best careers and lives, it’s safe to say that I’m a firm believer in the transformational power of personal development.

I discovered coaching back in 2013 when I’d reached a low point. I wasn’t happy in my job, living situation, relationship, I certainly wasn’t operating as the best version of me and I knew I had to make some changes. Coaching and personal development became the catalyst for hugely positive change in my life and the rest as they say is history! Well sort of.

Of course, Rome wasn’t built in a day, clarity and progress don’t happen overnight. It took lots of self-work, blood, sweat, and tears (literally tears — not so much blood!) to get me to where I am today. I switched roles 3 times before I finally plucked up the courage to jack in my corporate job to set up my coaching business just before I turned 30. There’s nothing quite like a birthday milestone to spur you into action! Let’s just say I had plenty of figuring out to do, life decisions to make, and big action to take to create the career and life of my dreams.

It was at the end of 2016 that She Almighty was born and over the past 4 years She Almighty has evolved from one-to-one coaching programmes, to include workshops, events and now an incredible community. We know the power of the collectivebringing women together to share their challenges, their dreams, to work on their best selves, careers, and lives and to support and empower one another.

And that’s why we’re making it official, we’re creating a home for amazing aspirational and inspirational women everywhere and we’re calling it the She Almighty Collective.

The She Almighty vision is a world full of empowered female leaders of all ages, stages and backgrounds. And our mission is to power a global community and movement of self-empowered women and female leaders. Our global members are living and leading by example to create success on their terms, to have meaningful careers, businesses and lives with the purpose and impact they desire.

Within the She Almighty Collective, there will be coaching, courses, events online and hopefully in-person events in the not too distant future. Our core pillars are self, health, wealth, community, and impact — we exist to fuel women’s development in all these areas and to connect them with like-minded women all over the world.

We are serious about being a community that creates a BIG impact and we know that our community really cares about empowering girls, women, and making a difference to the world. So we’re becoming a Business for Good through partnering with B1G1 a global business giving movement aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Meaning, our members, whilst doing something amazing and valuable by investing in themselves, will also be making a difference to girls, women and worthy causes all over the world too. Our ethos is female power for good so individually and collectively our members will be making our world a better place.

Take it from someone who knows — from my own personal experience and that of many others’ whose journeys I am honoured to have been a part of...

Investing in you, in your personal growth and development is the biggest gift you can give and the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself that will serve you not just in the here and now but forevermore to improve your well-being, create more meaningful relationships, a more purposeful career and fulfilling joyful life.

We hope you will join us — request your invitation for the She Almighty Collective here >



Mikaela Jackson
She Almighty

Personal performance coach and founder of She Almighty, the home for aspirational women creating careers, businesses and lives they love with positive impact.