Tyler Rheaves
Published in
1 min readJan 23, 2020


A day in the life of an aspiring college student actress…

I got the chance to shadow student Michelle Davis around as she guided me through a day in her busy life as an aspiring actress and student at Georgia State University.

9 A.M.: Her day starts off with her doing voice exercises. That’s right she literally sits in front of her mirror and chants out different accents. “I do this because my accents aren’t the best right now and my agent wants me to practice, so that way I can land more jobs.”

11A.M. She drives to her favorite coffee shop in Atlanta, Dancing Goats Coffee Bar and sets aside one hour to study and the other hour to review her lines for this web series that she’s in. She does this every Tuesday because that is when she has only 2pm classes.

4 P.M.

