“She Says”: What the Advocacy Council is Thankful For

Women Employed
She Says


At Women Employed, WE have so much to be thankful for. This year, as we celebrated 50 years of Smashing the Status Quo, we also celebrated some major wins! Those include making history for Illinois families with the passage of the Paid Leave for All Workers Act, winning an ordinance in Chicago that will end the subminimum wage for tipped workers as well as an ordinance that will expand paid time off for working Chicagoans, and securing $100 million in additional funding for need-based financial aid through the Monetary Award Program (MAP), just to name a few! None of these achievements would have been possible without you, our valued supporters.

We are also thankful for our Advocacy Council, a group of dedicated volunteers who, every month, give their time to advocate, fundraise, and “friendraise” on behalf of our organization. Advocacy Council members may come from various backgrounds, but they all share one common goal, which is to advance WE’s mission to improve the economic status of women.

For this month’s “She Says,” we asked our Advocacy Council members what they are thankful for, and in true fashion, their dedication to the work filled our already-full cups. Read on for what they had to say! And if you or someone you know is interested in networking for a great cause, visit womenemployed.org/advocacy-council to learn more and sign up!

Olivia Castillon

“I am thankful for the No Salary History win! This has helped me personally and is beneficial for so many!”

Carol Lynn Coughlin

“I’m grateful for WE’s never-ending focus on a variety of working women’s issues―thanks for all you do!”

Shanee Hayes

“I am thankful for Women Employed allowing me to volunteer while meeting some amazing women who are doing an amazing job fighting for equity for women in the workforce.”

Jamie Kosberg

“I’m thankful for bringing attention to challenges that many do not realize women face just trying to exist and provide for themselves and their families!”

Maria Heredia

“I am thankful for seeing the work and commitment of WE in action and for being a resource for communities who are not able to or know how to advocate for themselves.”

Deanna Graham

“I’m thankful that WE stays committed to big work and that WE makes it easy to have an impact and get involved!”

Gail Eisenberg

“Women Employed’s Legislative Advocacy for all workers!”



Women Employed
She Says

WE relentlessly pursue equity for women in the workforce by effecting policy change, expanding access to education, & advocating for fair, inclusive workplaces.