Why Some Women Cry After Sex

If you’re feeling emotional in the throes of passion, you may not be alone.

Samantha Blake
She Writes


Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

I’ve cried during sex before. More than once, actually, and yes — each time it happened it was pretty embarrassing. The sex was great; consensual, comfortable, exciting, and yet it evoked an emotional reaction in myself that I didn’t understand.

This actually happens to a lot of women (and some men), and often the first reaction is to try to shut it down — especially if we don’t know why it’s happening.

“Oh my God, why am I crying? He’s going to freak out.”

“That was so good, but I’m still crying. What the hell? I need to pull myself together fast, or he’ll think he did something wrong.”

“Why am I emotional right now?! That was f*cking amazing!”

Maybe it’s happened to you or your partner, maybe not. But it’s much more common that you might think —enough that there is actually a term for it: Post-Coital Dysphoria (PCD), also referred to as Post-Coital Tristesse (PCT). An estimated 46% of women experience it at some point in their lifetime, and although it’s less well-known, it happens to an estimated 41% of men, too. And while it could be an indicator that something is wrong, such as a medical condition or mental health issue, often it can also…



Samantha Blake
She Writes

Writer & certified professional life coach for women. Making a change through words and the power of human connection. Work with me here: www.shethewarrior.net